In next chapters (IV? V? VI), the author will weave commentaries on Democracy, Aristocracy and Monarchy: Democracy: According to author never will exist, is against the natural order that a great number of governs and that a small number is governed, hardly will see the people congregated constantly to take care of of the public subjects. Aristocracy: The auto one standes out that if the aristocracy demands some virtues of less than the popular government, it also demands this of the others that them they are proper, as the moderation of rich and the contentment of the poor persons. It detaches despite this accepted form some inaqualities of richness. Monarchist: The author all says that only a sovereign will represent the people, that is the power represented at the hands of a natural person, of a real man. In the seventh Rosseau chapter he detaches for the form of mixing governments, that according to it could occur riots, therefore this form of government would divide the power and that then it would be worse between all the governments. In eighth I capitulate standes out that exactly each country having a its form of government, nor always are adjusted. Nor all the governments have the same nature, always exist the somebody devorador thing, the more contributions publish if they move away from these types of devoradores, more become onerous the contributions. In the nineth chapter it questions as to perceive some signals of a good government, this qeu author according to is noticed when of the conservation and prosperity of the properties of its members, when the citizens populate and if they multiply better will be the signal of a good government. In the tenth salient chapter that will be had abuse of the government, of this will be able to dissolve the State, and when the State if dissolves occurs the anarchy; the democracy turns aclocracia, the aristocracy in oligarchy and the royalty in tyranny.