An event for technically interested decision-makers Ludwigshafen, Jan on the 1st of March will take place this year for the second time in a row the markupforum, a Conference around the topic of XML, on the HdM Stuttgart. Organizers are the data2type GmbH, Ludwigshafen and Stuttgart media University. The markupforum is a platform for technically interested and decision makers who want to learn about new and established XML technologies and their use in the publishing industry. Expertise and qualified exchange of stand in the foreground. This year’s event focuses on the topic “XML databases and publishing”. “The keynote address is by Liam Quin, practice-experienced project managers, as well as several book author on the subject of the future of XML publishing developments at the W3C” held. More lectures provide among other things the speakers Patrick Gundlach, Wolfgang Meier and Joern Turner with regard to the areas of cross-media publishing, XProc, XML in publishing, design rules in the fully automated publishing, as well as the XRX architecture in practice. Mr Manuel Montero Pineda continues as moderator by the program.
For more information, as well as the ability to login, see. The data2type GmbH, headquartered in Ludwigshafen, Germany was founded in 2005 by Manuel Montero. As a specialist for all questions in the area of XML, the company developed cross-industry XML solutions that are perfectly tailored to the iniduellen needs of its customers. While data2type opts for standardized languages such as, for example, XSLT, XSL-FO and XML schema.