In the next hall crowd dignitaries and courtiers. What is the diversity and splendor of clothes and hats! Here is a nobleman in a cloak of yellow color, which are scattered across the field the monster head on a red background, talking quietly with another important face. On his interlocutor a cloak on it woven pictures of sea shells on a light blue background. These pictures are framed by two rows of pens – dark blue and white. The bottom edge of garment is trimmed with a fringe of rabbit fur, dyed in red.
Located next to an elderly priest wears his dark green tilmatli (cloak) images of human skulls and crossbones. Wherever you look – everywhere woven or composed of feathers emblem: the sun, jade discs, fish, cactus, rabbits, butterflies, geometric motifs, jaguars, snakes. The hands and feet of gold bracelets, chains on his chest and pectoral from the same metal. At one in the hands of fans, in other bouquets of fresh flowers. A lot of this crowd and women. The clothes all present not just one color – turquoise.
Tilmatli that color can be only one man – the lord of Tenochtitlan! Move on to another room. This so-called "Hall weapons "- the original armory Aztec rulers. In it, we can see and swords from solid wood, in which let into the blade of obsidian, and maces and javelins, and . Many of them are richly decorated with mother of pearl, gold and precious stones. It should also mention the peculiar, Makuilshochitl – the patron god of song and dance. The statue, artfully roller boards, which are convenient to carry and extremely fast deployed if necessary. In the next room on the walls splendid costumes "warrior-eagles" and "warrior-jaguars, their helmets are made in the form of large birds and animals with wide-open beaks and mouths. Here also dumped piles of shells and cotton – long shirt, quilted cotton beams. They are fairly well protected from the darts and stones from a sling. Bustled about them, counting, special supervisors, and the side is the main steward of the palace, with an inventory book. In the palace is a strict accounting of all full in the pantry. Leave them and go out into the garden, or rather, the park – so vast and diverse it is. Which only plants here! They are collected from all all of Mexico. This park is in fact the huge botanical garden. Throughout the flowerbeds with skillful drawings of flowers, many artificial grottos, ponds, streams, swimming pools, graceful bridges – On careful review of this complex landscape architecture we would have to spend a few days rather than the two hours that we spent here. Adjacent to the park zoo. It can also be called a miracle. Here and jaguars and cougars, and coyotes and other predators. On feed the released of their daily five hundred turkeys. In large cells contained innumerable birds of different species, including rare colors. Many birds and poultry. For all staff looking after poultry, which monitor the feeding, cleanliness, health and proper placement of the cage and roost nests. Presented and snakes, and in large quantities. In swimming pools a variety of fish. One representative fish or bird kingdom, which for some reason could not get, is pictured here in gold, silver and precious stones