During the intervention of the Commission of the districts reported that more than 28,000 people on Saturday attended the assemblies of districts and towns of Madrid. Commissions and working groups have agreed to continue with camping, but have also called for a restructuring. The information Commission, for its part, has proposed to follow in Sun, although not indefinitely. They looked for this maximum period of stay a week, since they considered it important to establish a departure date. Feminism opted to continue until Tuesday and hold a demonstration. Infrastructures also proposed to continue with the camp. But the general idea, that of all the groups and committees was that the movement remains, whatever happens with the camp. During Word shifts, different proposals were heard.
Among them, that of a man who proposed next Sunday to dismantle the camps of all cities together. Another proposal was to create a political platform that channels the movement, an initiative which was followed by a hissing from the audience. Among other betting citizen was the conditional stay of camping to a reform constitutional guarantee a real democracy. While the interventions of the participants were, the campers have connected by telephone live with Paris, where also remain concentrated the outraged in support of Sun. The resistance is still peaceful, despite attempts by the police to evict them, using even tear gas, they say. After the Assembly, some of those present have decided to go to the French Embassy to denounce the police charges with a minute of silence. During the Assembly, the present there had time to reflect on the proposal agreed by the commissions: No nos vamos, the movement continues, we restructured the camp.
Restructuring means that at least people would be at Sun. Means reduce, eliminate any Commission. Assemblies of barrios this Saturday, more than 120 neighborhoods and municipalities of the community of Madrid met summoned by the 15-M movement to continue the Assembly movement and citizen.