Crisngela Gardnia Lamb of Oliveira Hercules de Oliveira Blacksmith SUMMARY the present work deals with the story of experience lived deeply in Supervised Period of training III, in space not-deed of division of Education, as requirement of the resume of the Course of Licenciatura in Geography. It approaches the partner-space importance of the Ambient Education and its implications in the context of the Education not-deed of division, whose proposal Connection was pautou in the organization of pedagogical workshop in the Project Life, that is kept by the Association of Mothers of Candeal-BA, this project attends devoid children by means of feeding, education, health and leisure. Thus these stories have for base to reflect the process of developed pedagogical intermediao during all workshop in planning term, evaluation, methodologies, technique of education, relation trainee-pupil, difficulties and successes. For if dealing with one practical pedagogical one carried through in an educative space not-deed of division, that characterizes as place differentiated how much to the learning process, the objectives of the developed activities were pautados in the experience of the participants and/or daily reality. It was adopted conception partner-construtivista who presents as central point the premise of that learning and development are products of the social interaction, considering the construction of the experience knowledge on the basis of the practical ones. At last, the choice of the thematic Ambient Education appeared of the necessity of formation of ecological citizens that they search to critically know the importance of the environment in the quality of life, implementing in its practical daily conscientious and ecologically correct attitudes..