It rhymes it has soul linking with the rhythm. It can be appreciated but she is not felt when she appears randomly in verses. Optimum aesthetic effect of rhymes is to appear where if it waits inside of a certain rhythm. Invervalo leaves an aesthetic emptiness a time that one estrofe can finish with two rhymes followed by two pauses in estrofe following. I present a project of signals here representing the sound of rhymes and silence.
The asterisk goes to represent a sound repeated in the end of the verse that is it rhymes when it of its effect of echo of the sound of another verse end. The positive signal goes to represent the sound it rhymes where it starts, the preparation of rhymes, the sound that later will be repeated in the end of another verse. The negative signal goes to represent verses without rhymes as this project: – Verse without rhymes + Preparation of rhymes * rhymes It TWILIGHT SERTANEJO? Carlos Aires When the sun in ocidente- Vai losing its claro+ – the night low the curtain, – Black of escurido*+ In a twilight majestoso+ – Becoming prazeroso* more the dusk in the Serto*+ great Cause us emoo* This moment reverso+ – When the poets if inhale Bringing for its verso*+ pure Beauty and constante+ – Of each point brilhante* That it appears in universo*+ In the inspiration is imerso* Quiet and soturno+ – When seeing for it brings of the hill At a moment taciturno*+ When in the pantry of mata+ – the moon of the color of prata* Exibe the brightness noturno*+ Pra I inhabit who it is diurno* Already is if aquietando+ – While the sad owl Of the o its shout agourando*+ Already meets agasalhada+ – In the patio, all boiada* Well calm ruminando* … Observo the Serranias+ – With fenomenais rochedos+ – Valleys hillsides lajedos* brandos Winds, breezes frias* Beautiful pretty nights dias* In this fantastic paisagens+ – I receive mensagens*+ In this pure air Here that respiro+ – God Ahead helps and I inspiro* of these imagens* me Looking at of these mirantes+ – Inebrio me with beleza+ – That offers natureza* Vejo places distantes*+ Or scenes hilariantes* Passing for these trilhas+ – Sighting rivers, ilhas*+ This everything me consiste+ – In knowing that God existe* Between as much maravilhas* Seeing these rocks gigantes+ – Of forms arredondadas+ – Nor I calculate toneladas* For being exorbitantes*+ Abysses estonteantes* Is seen in steep ladeiras+ – Rising and corredeiras*+ Forming mananciais+ – Appearing of these canais* Streams and cachoeiras* Daqui is inebriante+ – To contemplate for of sol+ – the dawn arrebol* the twilight alucinante*+ Is very emocionante* Ouvir in the nights serenas+ – sonorous cantilenas* Come of the birds noturnas+ – In the hours more taciturnas* Gives to the virtuosos cenas* Beyond the appreciation that if makes of an adequate or vast vocabulary in, for example, acrstico and in the aliterao it rhymes, provides it in certain poems the meldico pleasure.