In modern life, make some things possible only with the help of the requests. Do not be afraid to ask for help from others. Remember, children are constantly asking the toy from their parents, and most interestingly, as a rule sought her. We, adults, ask us to raise wages, to let go earlier home, a ride, ask to borrow money. We are often asked.
Moreover, we must always ask is everywhere and all, but do it so that others never refused. But why do some always get their way, while others are constantly being denied? Because the second just did not know how to ask. We are often embarrassed to ask, thinking that the man put in an awkward position. Necessary change the focus. When you ask, you do not force, and give the person a chance to show their goodwill in relation to you, a chance to win the confidence and good attitude towards it.
That's when you start to think this way, ask will be much easier and embarrassment disappear. A few simple rules for effective request: Pray for those who can help. Do not ask everyone, but only the right people for the right person you uslugah.Chem more ask, the more likely that will fulfill your request. Do not be afraid to seem pushy if intrusive. Many people tend to forget, so remind yourself to ask several times. Engage the person. Use the principle of "you give me – I will." Offer him something in exchange for his help. Not necessarily money, perhaps their services. Show how profitable to go meet you. Agree that they themselves willingly help the person which will help you. Moreover, of the request you are certainly not zabudete.Ne be boring. Ask each time a new way. Take the "low" to suppress self-pity, require flatter, zainteresuyte.Ne afraid of rejection. Than more rejections you get, the faster will find an effective formula for the request and understand what works and what does not. Formulate a clear request. Explain your request, please explain why all this is necessary to man realized that his time and efforts are wasted.