When dalneyshempovyshenii temperature strength begins to drop sharply due to destruction binder. Changing the strength of the SNA in the temperature range from -40 to 300 C is reversible. Prestress Sleep Module strain FRP reinforcement is 4-5 times less than steel. Therefore, it is advisable apply only to pre-stressed structures. Mainly used in three ways prestressed concrete structures with FRP reinforcement discrete: the tension on the supports, the tension on concrete, continuous winding. The most common is the way the tension on the lugs. With the help of special equipment fitting is pulled by a specified amount and is attached to the side elements of metal form, and then made concreting termovlazhnostnaya treatment of concrete to accelerate hardening.
After a set of concrete, 70% of ultimate strength compression force is transferred to the concrete. for the manufacture of prestressed Sleep-structure after some work used technological equipment used for precast concrete factories. Because of lower than that of steel, elastic modulus fiberglass tension stations should provide a significant displacement of about 1.5 cm to 1 m Serious difficulties arise when creating clips for fiberglass armaturt. Often use clip consisting of two steel plates with semicircular grooves into which fit rebar. Plates with screws tightened, compressing the valve. It is used as puncture-proof push-in clip. And, with a special insert in it can simultaneously clamped to two rods of the same diameter.
By pulling on concrete reinforcement in the latter provides channels for laying reinforcement. The tension produced by means of hydraulic jacks on a concrete zakreplyaemih element by means of special anchors. The manufacturing process is completed injected into the channel of petrolatum to fill the available space and secure fitting. The third way is by coiling the product flexible fiberglass rods or ribbons. However, this method has not found wide acceptance. More technological elements is winding impregnated with resin bags fibers, followed by polymerization connecting directly to the product.