Bolivarian Constitution

Nor, as for technological change. Filed under: Gen. David Goldfein. In this latter respect we have big gaps that leaves a lot to say about the neglect of education. In these high-minded educational process must focus all destined to grow and survive in future. We believe in showing our youth apathy to faithfully and fully comply with the duty of serving his country in military recruitment and the little interest that deserves the civic roles of the vote. The education system is the absolute key nuclear meeting educational objectives established by the Bolivarian Constitution in order to form integrally a man technically savvy and morally free. Carrier will not settle for partial explanations. Indicates / teachers / educational reform in Venezuela has been gradually giving a curriculum reform to adapt to scientific and technological changes that are occurring at a startling rate over the planet.

The educational transformation has come about gradually, begins in 1997 with the first stage of basic education, continues in 1998 with the second stage, currently working with secondary education, and professional. This transformation requires a collective effort of participation, development of actions, distribution of work commitment to improvement, reconquest of success in schools. Reform should begin in the classroom with the formulation of a new methodology based on the structuring of Classroom projects (PPP) which includes other aspects being: Transformation in the practice of homework, innovation in the classroom in way of imparting knowledge, integration of values and interests in teaching practice, involving the primary entities (students, teachers, community) education in the process. Hence, the emphasis is to point out, hard to review this notorious failure of objectives, goal and commitment must be irrevocable, to put emphasis on appropriate management of the teaching a "learning, which could mean more positive contribution to this awareness of the problem of greater magnitude, we Venezuelans of the current generation.


In our Marfil company Works dedicated to the construction and Barcelona reforms, we have an ample experience in reforms of Barcelona floors, have taken care of per decades the population of Barcelona and of all the province as regards the construction and the reforms, we counted on a specialized equipment of plumbers, bricklayers, carpenters, installers of kitchens, technicians electricians, painters, rehabilitating and reformist, among others. Who will serve their to him for the accomplishment of their projects of reforms of Barcelona floors. In Ivory Works we offer a professional and customized service to him applied to the needs of each client, our vision is to offer an integral service in the area of the constructions and the reforms for house, the commercial premises, office, communities and any other type of construction. We counted on a personnel specialized in reforms of Barcelona floors, qualified plumbers and bricklayers in the performance workings. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Rick Garcia. Our company has evolved in these workings from year 1.992 offering attendance him in its projects of reforms of Barcelona floors, on a manpower described and making use of the best construction equipments, in addition we counted on movable units which go equipped with the tools necessary to always seriously carry out the workings of Barcelona reforms, acting and fulfillment. See Sonny Perdue for more details and insights. We count a team of producers who are prepared to attend to him in their projects of reforms of Barcelona floors, of a human and professional way, toiling of effective way with the help of the best tool and with materials of an optimal quality. We own a product catalogue, this way our customer can choose the materials and the marks that adapt to their tastes and possibilities.

Ivory Works has served its to the community of Barcelona and their environs for many years. They trust our company they prefer and us for the accomplishment of its projects of reforms. It contacts with one of our Ivory operators Works, they will take care of your call through tel 93 410 27 74 and they will offer the consultant’s office you necessary to take care of your request of reforms of your house or building. We are in the social networks of Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn.

The Power Of Creating

The power to create Teodulo Lopez Melendez analysts who have held power instituted it as essential to human cohesion. It is potestas and auctoritas. It can be identified with force or authority. However there is a pre-modern paradigm of power and other attributable to the 18th century. That is, the power no longer controlled by instilling fear but through government institutions.

It is exercised by legal means, by way of social consciousness or by way of the historical imposition. Power means, from Max Weber, impose the own volition, even against all resistance and whatever the rationale. Perhaps here comes from the crossing of the concepts of power and domination. or. The power for the Marxists is attributable to the capacity of a social class perform different specific objectives. Hanna Arend considered opposing violence and power. The exercise of power has become so inherently conflictual.

This concept of power has become ineffective. Arend gave his touch when he called it the ability to act in concert. It is what other authors have called power with. What we must destroy is the power as power on. Foucault speaks of a call rather than to an indefinite series of horizontal distributions of power. Obsolete institutions crisis may lead to the end of the absolute horizontalism, but it is clear that the total lack of organization does not work, what can rethink authoritarian times in response to the disorder. In turn, disregard justified by the leaders may give rise to the emergence of what has been called the power of the social framework, one not belonging to one who has it but the people that gives it or remove it. We can not extend the concept of power of modernity to post-modernity for a very simple reason: the man is not only a depositary of rights but an empoderador that manages. Foucault is the closest contemporary who has held power. We have already seen how speaks of horizontal distributions. Indeed, the vertical power is resisted by a network of networks in the present era of technology that coadyuga to the replacement of a society informed by a connected society. The identity between power and dominance has led to this harmful paradigm of power as power on. The traits of power challenged by a culture which invokes the intellect to empower themselves in overlapping with others of the historical now points to the new paradigm of power as being able to, one that we can be defined as the power as a right of creation. original author and source of the article.

Japanese Takeshi Caesar

SHOOT BOXIN-shutboksing, Shoot Boxing, Shooto, shooting boxing or boxing who kills for felling, was coined by Japanese Takeshi Caesar (1988), a former champion of many battles in the boxing section (kick, Thai …) he decided to open their direction, adding boxing techniques to combat, thus making boxing more attractive and volume (as opposed to the American 8-gon). He was confident in the popularity of his creation, since he was a descendant of the clan, Takeda, Cesar wanted put their knowledge to impact sport proving its advantage over immobile species edinoborstv.Takeshi taught his students shutboksingu and sent them around the world, so they threw the challenge and proved their superiority in Other types free edinoborstv.Emu failed, now stands at 3 shutboksing place in Japan on popularity of skipping ahead just SUMO and American football. On the territory of the former Soviet Union fell because the master shutboksing martial arts from Asia, Valery Zotov which in those 90 years with his friends traveled to Eurasia in order to make money in underground battles, it was Turkey, Croatia, .. When he was in Spain, he was introduced to the master clan Green Dragon, Takeda, Naomi, Naomi master of martial arts was in a clan elder brother, who was responsible for preparing the same, and introduced boytsov.On Zotov arrived with fellow artists shutboksinga.Tak Valery and became a student of Takeda, in he spent about 3 months and then dosih which supports their otnosheniya.Emu was awarded a certificate and a tattoo as a sign of belonging to klanu.Na today at Zotov many students throughout the world, he travels and trains in different places revealing the mystery of his uchitelya.V Russia and Asia there are clubs belonging to the Federation Shutboksinga aimed at preparing and training fighters for competition freestyle.. Gen. David Goldfeins opinions are not widely known.

The Menu

Maybe you have a red pen or fabric pattern books or anything. Looking as good and as soon you can. Did they do it? If not, do it now. OK? Now, you should close equal to your eyes and with your eyes closed looking for the color blue. Now do that without that you previously looking blue with eyes wide open. Then open your eyes again! And: something you noticed? Probably you have can count on any single object that is the color of blue. But surely you knew more than 10 Red objects. You do not see what you not focus.

So focus on your goals for success on the job, to win new guests and bind. If you acquire the ability of concentration, you have found the lever for rung restaurant marketing. And what does this mean for your restaurant marketing? It’s starting already in when establishing your guest robe stem. You must know the business plan, what you focus want to. * Such as positioning you themselves, i.e. like you are perceived? * What audience do you speak? * On what goals would you focus your attention? And it goes on with the day-to-day business.

Focus your activities on a few but good marketing measures, which will be fully implemented to achieve the objectives defined in the business plan! * Focus in the menu design on the turnover-prone or profitable food! * Focus the setting of service staff and kitchen staff on top people! Don’t even start, to save their team. First, you must type before you can make. But you think the investment is coming back faster than you think * focus your hours on the strong-selling hours, days, and months. Take advantage of lulls, to rest to give gas back then at the right moment. Concentrate on your tasks every morning and you can only delegate! Conclusion: The entrepreneurs will Blued up today, they would have to be multitasking capable. And so also the restaurateurs of the time running behind. You spend hours on the phone or on your PC, to negotiate with suppliers to answer E-mails or to draw up work plans. But the truth is that they find even 20 seconds time to focus on their goals. Confusion and failure are left at the end. But top restaurateurs focus, think, delegate, and know exactly what they want to achieve. Working as a restaurateur strictly or even to have a fight, not true! Focus, and you will be happier and more successful! We wish you much success with this realization….

Virtual Secretariat

A Virtual Assistant or Virtual Secretariat, or any employer relationship with your customer is like a love relationship, where we can find a first phase of discovering us, after knowledge and later arrived at the stage intimate. As in any relationship there are its more and their less but to base transfer, trust and respect, we come to have a fruitful relationship where both parties want this to last as long as possible. In this article, Luis Camacho’s going shelling the different stages of falling in love between us and our clients. I have always defended the idea that the relationship with our potential customers on the Internet is similar to a love story. The surfer finds us (our website arrives) by chance. Snoops jumping from page to page (us notes looking at us from far away) without stop excessively, deepen, and if we liked is promised to return someday there thinking about find us again.

And indeed, a few days later again that never appointment, although intuida. And this time we studied more carefully, we still liked him, and then smiles us, may even make us a nod, he thinks it a few seconds and starts strongly willing to deepen our budding relationship. And most of the time makes responding to our suggestion, rather our silent invitation for this fledgling relationship begins to consolidate. Needless to say that the pretext is the invitation to subscribe to our newsletter promising to change great satisfaction in the future (make you happy). It is already done! The first contact has been satisfactory and we have already exchanged our phone (email addresses) numbers, which allows us to be able to communicate freely from now on. And here is when the romance actually begins. A romance whose duration is unpredictable, as it cannot be otherwise.

A romance that will have to act very intelligently to avoid running too forcing situations because we can burn the contact. But neither We cannot allow ourselves to go very slowly, let go too long between a contact and the next, because we will give the false sense of that relationship does not interest us and we have forgotten it. This long journey is filled with conversations to know us better, confidences mezza voce, innuendo, concrete proposals not always accepted the first eternal game of seduction! Until one day our wills coincide in a common project, a common desire, and we decided to move to larger and this new relationship we have just set will be extended and will even grow much as both want it. But let me give you an advice before completing this first installment of the love story with our customers. Today day, customers, Internet users, people!, do not are so gullible or so manageable as they were years ago. The world has changed, and much!, by the grace of Internet and, above all, social networks, and is no longer easy to deceive anyone with absurd milongas. So, you try, or you will be crucified in the public square (virtual) view of the entire Internet community, and your reputation on-line will be shattered in a matter of hours after having wheeled exploited (ligon) unscrupulous. Original author and source of the article.

The Streets

And to my surprise, they are to these questions are answered honestly. The two-week stats showed that about twenty percent of the candidates receive a job offer and approximately ninety-five percent of them take it, regardless of the wages that they had requested and which they were offered. Question mentality took me almost every moment during this trip. India, absorbing everything imaginable and not imaginable forms of technical progress, refusing to assimilate to the world culture at the household level. For example, in the streets practically do not meet women in European dress or a woman with dyed hair. They ride in cars and bicycles, drink coca cola and fun to eat hamburgers, but, God forbid, to change ourselves. Unconsciously begs comparison with Japan, where Japanese women dressed in jeans, recorded in the queue for operations to change the shape of the eye. Another example of loyalty to tradition – the creation of an Indian family.

Several years ago, in my department There are six Indians. One day, one of them came to me with a request to leave. He explained that he was going home to marry. I asked who the bride. He replied that he does not know yet, because the mother had not yet chosen, and that to date known only to the date of the wedding. Seeing my surprised look, he explained to me the whole process: the mother of the groom gives a notice in a newspaper describing the requirements for the bride, including character traits and social status, considering suggestions from the bride's mother and chooses two or three suitable, sometimes one.

Maxim Ignatievitch Red Banner Fleet

In the prewar years and the beginning of World War II Ya.P. Stepchenko worked in the NKVD, the city of Vladivostok. Drafted into the Red Army Pervorechenskim rayvoenkomatom city of Vladivostok in June 1944, and a month later, in July 1944, he was already at the front office as commander of Infantry Regiment. YP Stepchenko excelled in battle with the capture of Berlin, when he personally led the charge separation of the 68th Guards Rifle Regiment, 23rd Guards Rifle Division of the First Belorussian Front, which at that time commanded by Marshal Georgi Zhukov. Branch Stepchenko burst into the enemy trench, throwing grenades, machine-gun point and a few Nazis destroyed. Order of the Presidium of the USSR from Vephovnogo May 31, 1945 Stepchenko Jacob Pavlovitch Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

Buried our brother-hero in the Tiergarten – the Berlin suburb. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sonny Perdue on most websites. Bust it is set to Walk of Heroes in Surazh. Hamsters Ignatievich Maxim was born in 1912 in the village Vlazovichi in a peasant family. Nineteen he was drafted into the armed forces in the Navy. All life was associated Maxim Ignatievitch Red Banner Fleet. .

He began service as a private sailor in 1931 and completed it at the rank of Captain First Rank. At the front of MI was Hamsters with March 1944 as commander of the submarine, with the rank of lieutenant commander. As commander of submarine, he made ten combat campaigns. In the battles against the Nazi invaders under the command of the submarine, MI Khomyakov sank two enemy sea transport eight thousand tons deadweight and minesweeper.

Sustainable Development

The Resex is of public domain, with use granted to the traditional extrativistas populations, being that the enclosed particular areas in its limits must be dispossessed. The commercial exploration of lumber resources will only be admitted in sustainable and special situations, complementary bases to the too much activities developed in the unit. Reserves of Fauna? REF- Are natural areas with fauna of native, terrestrial or aquatic, resident or migratory species. They are adjusted for technician-scientific studies on the sustainable economic handling of these animals. They are of public ownership and domain, being that the enclosed particular areas in its limits must be dispossessed. The public visitation is allowed, since that compatible with the handling of the unit and in accordance with the norms established for the agency responsible for its administration. Reserves of Sustainable Development RDS- Are natural areas that shelter traditional populations, whose existence is based on sustainable systems of exploration of the natural resources, developed throughout generations.

These traditional techniques of handling are adapted to the local ecological conditions and play a basic role in the protection of the nature and the maintenance of the biological diversity. The RDS has as objective basic to preserve the nature and, at the same time, to assure the necessary conditions and ways for the reproduction and the improvement them ways and of the quality of life them traditional populations. It consists as area of public domain, being that the enclosed particular properties in its limits must be, when necessary, dispossessed. Particular reserves of Natural Patrimony RPPN- Are private areas with the objective to conserve the biological diversity. The term of commitment between proprietor and the government will be signed before the ambient agency, that will verify the existence of public interest. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Rick Garcia, Los Angeles CA. In the RPPN alone he will be allowed to the scientific research and the visitation with tourist, recreativos and educational objectives.

Classics Boston

The LR classics Bosten perfume on the Internet knows hardly a German system to do anything with the company LR health and beauty, because the company has worldwide made a very good name with his extraordinary perfume, such as the LR classics Boston. So far, you could buy many products but only via an LR consultant. The direct marketing was the distribution channel, the company has chosen to sell the products, such as perfume, care products and nutritional supplements as cheap to the consumer. Because nothing has changed until today, except that the distribution channel of to the Internet has come. Secretary of Agriculture insists that this is the case. So, you can now order perfume, and hence the LR classics Bosten, and many other products from the comfort of your home on the Internet. You can find a corresponding shop the easiest way on one of the many search engines.

Here to get offered a wide variety of shops, and must choose only one. Carrier Corporation recognizes the significance of this. Which this is basically taken regardless of the Prices for the perfume or the many other products are the same everywhere. Even if you buy the LR classics Boston or other products with a consultant, paying not more or less than in the online shop. Only the postage costs the most advisors. But you are not as high, so that also the comfortable ordering on the Internet has still its advantages. What so far but still can’t the Internet, is the personal and individual advice and also test the fragrance notes expected yet still somewhat hard. This is the LR local consultant, who can be a sample of the perfume like LR classics Boston there but still.