Leila Gonalves Oliveira
A church Baptist, Luterana church, church Catholic, etc. is not the church, as the universal church, but on the contrary of this, a local church. The universal church is composed for that already they had trusted Christ for salvation. These members of the universal church would have to search communion and construction in a local church. Summarizing, the church is not a building, or a denomination. In accordance with the Bible, the church is the Body of Christ: all those that already had placed its faith in Jesus Christ for salvation (Joo 3:16; I Corntios 12:13).
It has members of the universal church (the Body of Christ) in local churches. For being unaware of this Truth, certain groups create exaltativas doctrines, becoming a special group. God would never speak with them of different form disclosing said things to other groups. They make this because instead of reading the Word as it is, ignoring that it is not of particular interpretation, if says inhaled creating new doctrines. Yes, we live the last days of the Land, but although all the aggravated signals to each day more, not yet are the end. Mat. 24 While it will have hope, it is signal of that God this gift. In the way it chaos that devastates the humanity, in the way of the total and complete degradation them human beings to our return, God still makes its workmanship of Salvation. Lives have been transformed, homes have been restored, the hard hearts have if broken, the patients are being cured. Glory the God! Why It exists and this between us. Leila Gonalves Oliveira YEAR 2010