Leila Gonalves Oliveira

A church Baptist, Luterana church, church Catholic, etc. is not the church, as the universal church, but on the contrary of this, a local church. The universal church is composed for that already they had trusted Christ for salvation. These members of the universal church would have to search communion and construction in a local church. Summarizing, the church is not a building, or a denomination. In accordance with the Bible, the church is the Body of Christ: all those that already had placed its faith in Jesus Christ for salvation (Joo 3:16; I Corntios 12:13).

It has members of the universal church (the Body of Christ) in local churches. For being unaware of this Truth, certain groups create exaltativas doctrines, becoming a special group. God would never speak with them of different form disclosing said things to other groups. They make this because instead of reading the Word as it is, ignoring that it is not of particular interpretation, if says inhaled creating new doctrines. Yes, we live the last days of the Land, but although all the aggravated signals to each day more, not yet are the end. Mat. 24 While it will have hope, it is signal of that God this gift. In the way it chaos that devastates the humanity, in the way of the total and complete degradation them human beings to our return, God still makes its workmanship of Salvation. Lives have been transformed, homes have been restored, the hard hearts have if broken, the patients are being cured. Glory the God! Why It exists and this between us. Leila Gonalves Oliveira YEAR 2010


For tours underground most appropriate to form groups of 7 – 10 people and carry out demonstration, accompanied by two guides. Itineraries for groups to make diverse, and follow the path cleared of stones and do no less than 1.5 meters. Conductors and tour guides can be chosen from among the best prepared tourists cavers. The calculation shows that such trips will be profitable. – Another area of Guryevsky quarries may be weekend trips to overnight stay at base camp. This event is much larger in scale and cost, requires more extensive training. The standard sightseeing program is added to visit the most remote areas quarries, separate walk in limited ranges, orientation on the map.

The presence of the flooded catacombs makes possible the organization of work in diving suits and the passage of the flooded "Exotic corners" of the maze. Certainly holding hikes of the day requires a special bivouac gear. This sleeping bags, mats, gas burners, etc. This problem, at first, we can solve for by speleosektsy, hiking clubs and social organizations, and at regular events through deductions from earnings. Instructors for such activities should be increased to ensure that living conditions, getting to and dropping equipment, safety, etc. – The third and most serious area of Guryevsky quarries may be sporting tours.

Now work is underway on categorization speleomarshrutov. Ends with the final survey of the object pursued by tourist clubs "Nedra" Novomoskovsk and "Ulysses" Tula. Sport routes are the most complex activities, conducted in Guryevsky quarries and require special training of participants in a serious and leader. Formation, control of training and placing on the route should be held under the auspices of the route- qualifying commissions. Equipment of the tourist groups special equipment falls to the actors and director and can be arranged through existing speleosektsy and clubs. Specific requirements are presented to the leaders of such groups whose training may be undertaken in preparation of public schools during the stp and stp, and in high school. The security of such activities should be Ensure the involvement or the social or professional emergency rescue teams. In conclusion we can say that the correct and rational use Guryevsky quarries can provide tangible

Wedding Dress

When the topic comes to choosing a wedding dress, in front of every woman there is a question of choice, which becomes a huge problem, because so many beautiful options we offer, and what to choose – puzzled. We must remember one fact, that wedding dress can be incredibly beautiful, and you will mutilate. Dress should be yours. Of course, the first thing to notice is the design of the wedding dress that fits the shape. There are only four basic types of sewing dresses. Dress forms "Princess" has a soft transition from pull-up corset, a wide bottom model.

This dress looks very nice, although the shape and physique. Wedding dress the so-called "Empire" has a high waist and long skirt. This dress can be made as snug, and wider. For this reason, such tailoring is perfect for expectant mothers or for women with a large physique. Further, there is a style which is called the "Ballroom." Even the name of style speaks for itself.

It is fitting corset and an incredibly fluffy skirt, and, of course, do not forget about simple straight dress. This wedding dress is perfect emphasizes curves of the body, that shall maintain a good figure. A woman in a dress should be of sufficient height, so as not to seem small and flattened. " If we talk about the figure itself, the design of dresses, of course, is just to emphasize dignity of the bride, and in no way overshadow the very triumph of the heroine. For each style must have a certain type of shape that would dress sitting rovnenko not seem baggy. Thus, in a dress straight type, full the lady does not look very aesthetic, but in a dress ball shape, too skinny bride will look awful. If we talk about the color of wedding dress, the white color, of course, as came into vogue many years ago, and not goes from there. But do not stop at this color. You can always keep an eye on any model of tones, from bright purple flowers, and until light golden tones. Likewise, in addition to the monotonic dresses, embroidery can be done by another color, the same white wedding dress. The most important thing is to choose the shade that suits the color of your skin, and thus, the color of the skin to tan may be different from the color after it, and the tone may well not suit you. Another tremulous question is to purchase a dress. It can sew, buy or rent. Of course, after rolling, there is no question about what to do with the dress after the wedding, but if you think about how many brides have put it, the desire disappears. If the dress to buy, not the fact that the same model does not flaunt other brides, but the dress is new, and will remain your after the event. But the purchase will come quite expensive, in contrast, if buy it on hire. When it comes to sewing, you should take seriously the search for the studio and keep in mind that if you do not sew, so you lose money, and the feast will be spoiled, but it is a guarantee that your dress is unique. So, dear bride, the choice before you. Be the most delightful and compelling in their wedding ceremony!

Research Problems

They had initiated thus a guided, directed research to the comment in used spaces, as bathrooms, refectory, classrooms, room of video, library, patios, dressings room, where it is possible to identify the ambient problems that happen in the day the day of the school. Beyond the comment photographic registers and interviews with the responsible pupils and employees for the cleanness had been made, aiming at to analyze its perceptions concerning the ambient problems and to consider projects to be developed for the proper pupils, becoming them responsible and fazedores of its proper ambient education. RESULTS Through the comments and photographic registers carried through by the pupils, some problems had been identified: bathrooms badly used, dirty classrooms, laboratories and patios, scratched out walls and tables, water and food wastefulness, sonorous and visual pollution. It was evidenced that the classrooms, place where the pupils pass seven hours per day on average, is one of the places where more problems happen, as dirts, sonorous pollution appearance. Already in the bathrooms and dressings room, the situation if becomes preoccupying, therefore the correct use of the equipment is not made that exists there, thus making it difficult the work of the employees who are responsible for the cleanness.

In the refectory some problems had been also evidenced as dirt (remaining portions of foods, napkins spread for the tables and the soil), wastefulness of foods, plates, places setting and cups deposited in improper places, generating the visual pollution, as well as also sonorous pollution (use of electronic devices). In the interviews carried through with the employees and pupils we could evidence that the practical one of the ambient conscience on the part of some pupils is the biggest problem, therefore they do not perceive the linking between what it is studied and what if must practise in the day the day, thus generating the problems in the pertaining to school environment. FINAL CONSIDERAES qualitative and empirical Research on as the pupils and employees perceive the existing ambient problems in the school they do not allow definitive conclusions, therefore they perceive one same problem of different form. The great majority of the pupils if does not worry in using the dirty spaces or at least they do not complain of the conditions that the same ones offer, a colloquy on ambient practical education and if it becomes ackward, therefore the great majority does not make a linking between the ambient education and its day the day. Ahead of these problems it is necessary that if it thinks about projects that are developed by the proper pupils, supported for the professors, who lead to an reflection-action, a time that the professors make a directed work the practical one of youthful protagonism and stimulate them to inside raise it questionings and contradictions of thematic the ambient one of the school. Thinking about small actions inside of the pertaining to school environment we will be acting local and thinking globally, diminishing in the distance between the theory and the practical one of worked sciences

Scientific Online Library

Thus, we wait to contribute, leading given of research and education on the importance of if humanizar the normal childbirth. This research is directed to the academics and professionals of Nursing, so that the same ones are felt motivated to carry through scientific reflections and research in this area. 2 – METHODOLOGY Is about a bibliographical descriptive research. For Gil (1991) the bibliographical research is that one elaborated from published material already, constituted mainly of periodic and disponibilizados books, articles of in the Internet. The research was carried through by half electronic where if it searched to identify the incidence of scientific publications, in the period of 2002 the 2009, that it approaches the humanizao of the assistance in the normal childbirth, in the database in health: Caribbean Latin American literature and (LILACS), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Database of Enfermagem (BDENF). We use for this research the following ones describers: Nursing, humanizao of the childbirth, normal childbirth and obsttrica nursing. After the election of indexados articles, was made a superficial reading of the gotten material, to select what age of interest for the research; after that, a minute reading was become fullfilled, in order not to be lost important points for the enrichment of the study and composition of this article. Quantitative distribution of bibliographies found in the databases LILAC' Described S, SCIELO and BDENF in picture one: After to carry through the individual search of the describers, made of associated form the used describers, in order to reduce quantitative of studies generated, through a refinement directed for the focus of the study and respecting the understood chronological order the 2009 enter 2002. From these results picture one was generated: DESCRITORESLILAC? SSCIELOBEDENFTOTAL Obsttrica Nursing + Normal5304295 Childbirth Normal Childbirth + Humanizao in the Parto1901130 Humanizao in the childbirth + Enfermagem59053112 Obsttrica Nursing + Normal Childbirth + Humanizao in the Childbirth + Enfermagem83920 Picture 1: Consultation LILAC' S, SCIELO and BEDENF with association of the used describers.

Brazil Traditions

Created magical amulets for protection from the guards, brewed potion that gives stamina, which was much needed on the plantations under the hot scorching sun, conducted ceremonies honoring the new and old ghosts. Most historians suggest that it is a group united slaves "Bantu" was the medium in which Capoeira was born. This group consisted of people from many parts of Africa such as Angola, Congo and Mozambique. They possible, and brought their traditions of capoeira. Although modern capoeira for a long time to dissolve them in themselves, but still be careful if it is possible to find a striking resemblance to some of the traditions of Africa.

In the period colonial wars in Brazil from 1624 to 1654 years in the territories in the north-east coast, the slaves began to take steps to return to their freedom. They appeared more opportunity for escape, the more so because burdened by the war the Portuguese no longer chasing fugitive. Many of the slaves after their flight united and established independent settlements, which was nicknamed kilombush. Kilombush played a very important role in the development and formation Capoeira. Here, slaves had more opportunities to follow their ancient traditions.

In kilombush Capoeira has evolved and improved with a large sloping towards the martial arts. Is given the opportunity to show themselves as a means to combat and to demonstrate their inner strength, which led the Portuguese in the horror of its extraordinary form. In such settlements could be found not only the African culture.

Accessible Libraries

Accessible libraries for all. Thus one calls a new manual published by the Institute of Majors and Servicios Sociales (IMSERSO), in coordination with other organizations that people with incapacity and people work with majors. The publication contemplates to these centers like " institutions claves" for a real integration and it contributes you rule of design and accessibility to construct amiable buildings. Without barriers. " The book and the reading have to be within reach of todos" , it protests.So that a library is accessible has to lack physical barriers and to facilitate the access to the documentation, the goods and the services.

" The book and the reading have to be within reach of all and any barrier for ello&quot does not have to exist;. This one is the principle from which it leaves to the manual " Accessible libraries for all: You rule to approach the libraries the people with incapacity and the people mayores" , a publication published by the IMSERSO with the aid of the State Center of Personal Autonomy and Ayudas Tcnicas (CEAPAT), the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport, Spanish center of Documentation on Discapacidad (CEDD), the State Confederation of Personas Sordas (CNSE) and Foundation ELEVEN, among others. Each organization has contributed its experience to elaborate a complete manual, that gathers a listing of proposals so that the libraries and the documents are accessible for all the people. Universal accessibility The publication, that makes special emphasis in the public libraries, emphasizes the strong social, educative and cultural component of these buildings. It considers " institutions claves" so that the integration of the people with incapacity and the people majors are a reality. In particular, it pleads for the concepts of universal accessibility and design for all: " The condition that must fulfill the surroundings, processes, goods, products and services, as well as the objects or instruments, tools and devices, to be comprehensible, usable and practicable by all the people in conditions of security and comfort and the most independent and natural form posible".One looks for normalization, the access without barriers.

Puerto Rico

I have a BA and an MA in Education. Besides, I have fifteen years of experience as a teacher in the town of Caguas, Puerto Rico. I'm studying the master my financial situation would get better. However, it was not. The debts have been increasing. The cost of living does not allow us to realize our dreams.

What I expect is to work for thirty or forty years to receive a pension lower than the salary I have now. The 4Life company gives me the opportunity to work in a period of 2-5 years to get my financial freedom. Meanwhile I am in the job until I have achieved freedom. Also, these benefits will go to the generation of my daughter. I am very happy that at last I can achieve the goals I have as help my mother buy a house, traveling, helping others and quit my job and dedicate myself to making the ministry as I always liked to do. I have personally seen people who are succeeding as Rafaela Santiago. This lady took care of fifteen children at home. After doing yard work.

On weekends cleaning houses. Another witness is John Rosado. Mendez and Company worked as a security guard. Were given the opportunity and now it works but traveling with his family and his dreams of owning a property where she wanted and the style I wanted to become a reality. Carlos Padilla is another example. He worked as a driver of a garbage truck, drove a school bus and worked weekends in a Lechonera in Puerto Rico. There are testimonies of people who worked as a teacher, store employee, contractor, appraiser, x-ray technician, etc. that are succeeding. You and I can do the same to get results. On the other hand, I have excellent health and I can take the message to many people who are sick. These products are preventive medicine. If you are interested in joining the network marketing that I am forming from Puerto Rico you can write me at how beautiful it feels good health and have the time and money to share with your family when you decide! I gave me this opportunity and thank God for the gifts that I do every day. You too can realize your dreams. I will gladly share the success together is driving many people to financial freedom. You have the right to fight for what your heart desires. God bless. Sincerely, Sonia N. Master Figueroa Crespo

The Library

A question that I urge to you to reflect and that does not seem to me that it has been reflected in your exercises (either discusses in the module) is the idea that the notion of individual or person entails a premise of sort (sexuality) and race that can widely be criticized. That is to say, since you have been able to read in the module, the individualism arises in espeficas circustancias in the western world, and the individual idea that assumes is the one of the white man. That is to say, the women were not seen either like people able to have autonomy or freedom of decision, either the black, because they were enslaved. Therefore, when we analyzed symbolic apparatus that promotes that notion of individual, would be necessary to see how she contradicts herself with a society that now is much more egalitarian in terms of the women, or much more racial a diverse society and ethnically that before. Another aspect that seems valuable to me to reflect and that Llobera mentions in text, is the one of the Privacy (page 12 of unit) and the importance of the private sphere (H. Arendt). In many cases for this exercise you have chosen announcements or films that we see in the television, and that is an act very individualized, fomented by the idea of familiar cells and the priority of the sphere deprived against the public one. That is to say, they have been thought to be consumed about private or family, in the intimate sphere. That she would happen if people nontuvieramos TV in house and fueramos always to the bar or the library or a public room to watch the TV? Creeis that the message would be the same? How we would react before a pudieramos announcement or a film if to chat and to comment with a community? Original author and source of the article.

The Brazilian Dictionary Globe

(Epcuro) Being thus, I consider that the rational animal is the only being of the nature capable to generate, to manage and to manage the corruption, since current acts to the formal education, that it searchs to base itself on the universal values of the person. that this exactly to be until is capable to structuralize and to organize the style of life in the contrahand of the seriousness, that if bases on descompromisso and social desfacelamento, that compactua with the dishonesty demoralizes and, being characterized cases of corruption in the family that had reverberated in all the society. 1. Concepts The Brazilian Dictionary Globe (2009) brings meanings several stop corruption, corrupt and corruptor, words of Language Portuguese, of origin Latin, that is in the daily one of that more the ethics and moral would have to primar for, beyond giving samples of good behavior in the society; parents, educators, professors, leaders, representatives of the norms, executors and judges of the laws of the collective conviviality in the society. Of Latin corruptione, the feminine substantive corruption means the act to corrupt, decomposition, putrefao, demoralization, depravation, lewdness and seduction. It is questioned: the corruption is politician act alone? Of Latin corruptus, the corrupt adjective if relates to that one that corruption suffered, corrupted, spoiled, adulterated, perverted, demoralized, profligate, missed, corrupt language. In relation to this adulteration, it is only equivalent only to the suffered action for the politicians? Of Latin corruptore, /substantivo adjective, that one that corrupts, the changer, deturpador, subordinative person. This attitude is only used by politicians? The social groups family, school, church, club, city, university, state and nation had placed in ' ' berlinda' ' the terms of this semantic field and had forgotten that the personages of this action to corrupt are in the way of us, in the family, the school, the field, the street or the farm, without distrusting that we are citizens also to compactuar for comfort with the formation of the corruption apprentice.