Design Courses Put
3D design courses: put the thermometer at our creative promote the creation of young talents, disseminate and promote culture as one of the great collective goods of our time are some of the objectives of the contemporary Foundation, which will focus his work on the creation of information networks and the transmission of knowledge. This institution has launched the Observatory of culture, an initiative whose goal is to capture State and tendency of contemporary culture, as well as obtaining a few indicators that allow us to describe a concrete vision of the cultural landscape. At your first consultation, valued by one hundred representatives from different disciplines: writers, graphic artists, actors, editors, filmmakers, musicians, architects, etc., offers interesting results: the State of Spanish culture in the present moment has been qualified with 6.1 points over ten, gastronomy, architecture and graphic image to be the most valued disciplines and film and music the least appreciated. Before the questions about the strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish culture, the surveyed professionals valued as strengths the creativity, dynamism, innovation and imagination and enthusiasm and ambition (63%). In terms of weaknesses, emphasize cultural relations with public administrations: insufficient dissemination of national and international (29%), lack of support, investment and promotion, also including the private sector (27%); influence of public institutions (22%). The dynamism of Spanish culture, is counteracted by the almost 30% of respondents who speak of provincialism, conservatism and lack of risk. It is our obligation as people young prove that creative ability and the spirit of sacrifice are well above the social strata.