
The use of insulated wires in the southern and mountain areas do not a problem, because The effect insulation resistant to ultraviolet light and ozone. The need for insulated wire medium-voltage cable design has been implemented SAX. The first installation of insulated Wire VL-20 kV implemented in 1976 – the so-called PAS system – reinforced aluminum wires in the plastic insulation. Later, in 1981 in Finland was built the first line of SAX, where the wire insulation was made of polyethylene. In 1984, the operation of the system adopted vibrationproof SAX, also equipped with security devices from an electric arc. The system currently includes SAX and includes secure the wires with insulation silanosshivaemogo polyethylene, equipped with the corresponding linear-coupling valves, devices, lightning protection, vibration protection and mounting accessories related to them. In Sweden, first appeared in the VLZ 1985 – 3000 km, Norway VLZ first – in 1986 built 2,000 km.

Since in the 90s and the wires AMKA SAX were available and successfully used in Russia, now NOKIA KABEL in 1995 initiated the development of the company ORGRES set of normative and technical documentation for design, construction and operation of pilot lines The effect of 0.4 kV, and in 1996 – the same type of documentation VLZ 6-20 kV. Currently, rules already in place devices up to 1 kV The effect of CIP, as well as Rules for Design VLZ 6-20 kV. Design and development of domestic SIPs were launched in 1987 at the Irkutsk factory cable. In 1991, the TU-120 16.K71-91 were put into experimental production of wire marks SAPTA, SASPt, SAPssh and SASPssh.

David Hume

The Arithmetic, algebra and geometry, therefore, are constituted of mere ' ' relations of idias' '. Established the meanings of the numbers, for example, we get for mere rational analysis that three times five are the half of thirty, and all the other proposals of this sort, proposal this treated substantially on the beginning of not-contradiction. This knowledge of relation of ideas independe of the facts and not in the ones of the news information, therefore, the same consist of establishing relations between the ideas that are part of the affirmation or a thought. Whereas the data in fact never will be able to imply a contradiction, the opposite of data is always possible in fact any, the same ones is conceived by the mind with the same easiness and the same distinction as if the reality was extremely in agreement, therefore, it is based on the sensible and proportionate experience for our impressions. The critical examination of David Hume exactly is based on the relation between cause and effect. For the same, all the reasonings that say respect to the reality of the facts seem established in the cause relation and effect, thus we only can exceed the evidence of our memory and the directions.

All effect depends, to exist, of a cause. The causal relation forms one of the main axles of the humiano empirismo, being this responsible relation for the joint of the registers of the memory and exerts an essential paper for proper constitution of the experience. From the impressions or ideas gifts in our memory we form a type of system, understanding what it wants that let us remember in them that it has been present to our felt perceptions or. Therefore, the causal relation allows us to go beyond the immediate data of the directions and the registers of the memory making to infer the existence of that it is not given in them.

IQ Tests

This question interests many. An employer, conducting test runs the risk of losing a good employee, if the test results are wrong or, alternatively, to hire an unqualified expert. Competitors are in the same unenviable position. You can play the worst candidate simply because they can pass tests for erudition and logic. School students and university applicants – is a separate risk group. Many problems require innovative approaches and intuition in the decision. Here a question arises.

Is an iq test to objectively reflect the knowledge, intuition, ability to think creatively outside the box and, in general, everything what is called human intelligence? The answer is very simple – no. and reasons for this are obvious. 1) Tests are made by people who also make mistakes. The problem is that the test result really shows the degree of correspondence between your logic and the logic of the originator. If your training better – you have accumulated fewer points. But, as you know, in most real situations, to prove that the answers in the test are wrong – it is useless. Especially if it's a psychological test. 2) To test, you can prepare for and improve For example, this (link in the notes).

Professional skills of human remains virtually unchanged, but that test results are much better. 3) No single test can not determine the level of creativity rights, as the work involves creating something new, but the test provides ready answers, among which is the right one. That is, to answer correctly, you need to understand the logic of the originator, rather than engage in creativity. Recommendations. 1) An employer may be advised to conduct iq tests together with a professional. In this case, you can filter the experts on passing the test, who know little about their future work. 2) In addition, it is useful to combine tests with other types of inspections, such as interviews. 3) the applicant is desirable to have regular tests for the sake of training. Is very disappointing to lose because of any test that has virtually no relationship to your future work. Also find a good online tests (referred to in the footnotes) is not difficult, and time spent on their passage, would feel much more confident.

Natural Remedies Against Epilepsy In Animals Our Pets

Support and encourage the nervous system activity in the brain. The brain and nervous system form an intricate network of electrical signals that are responsible for coordinating the muscles, senses and emotion in our pets. Think of the nervous system as the body’s electrical system. Because of these electrical impulses, the limbs move – an animal feels pain, heat and cold. The brain is like a computer with different electrical pathways for electrical impulses to follow. The natural way to health of brain and nervous system depends greatly on the appropriate food source. These nutrients are found in pet food or high quality organic fresh produce.

Adequate intake of water exercise and can also support the integrity of the activity of brain and nervous system routine and minimize seizures. When should I consult the vet? It is important to seek medical care for your pet if you have more than one seizure per month, has changed its behavior or usually becomes lethargic, has difficulty in walking or refuses food. There are a 100% natural blend of herbal and homeopathic ingredients specially selected for. It can be used to support the routine function of the brain and harmony system, used alone or in a support capacity with conventional medication for epilepsy. It is not recommended that you continue to prescription medication for your pet without consulting your veterinarian. Also check with your veterinarian first when deciding to use simultaneously with prescription medication so that your pet’s progress can be monitored properly. Passiflora incarnata (Passion flower) is a herb used to promote calm and support the nervous system balance routine. The active ingredients in this herb include flavonoids, cyanogenic glycosides, alkaloids and Saparin.

Passiflora is traditionally regarded as a natural aid for the nerves. Scuttelaria laterifolia (Skullcap) is an herbal tonic that has been used traditionally to facilitate feelings of relaxation and wellness. It has well-known carminative properties, helping to promote the natural balance normally present in the mind and contribute to maintaining a healthy attitude. Its active ingredients include flavonoids, tannins, bitter oil and minerals. Hyoscyamus (30C) is a homeopathic remedy with some common mental and emotional issues that work with all its various expressions. This remedy tends to suit those animals that are prone to jealousy if they feel that is threatening the care they receive. Belladonna (30C) is an herb with extensive use initially purely cosmetic, but it has shown its support for Cuprum nervioso.a mettalicum system (30C) is a homeopathic preparation that supports the nervous system while at the same time encourages routine digestive function. Engineer by profession but with a great interest in health and alternative medicine. I believe that natural remedies and alternative therapies have their place in modern medicine. Public one with these issues because I’m sure that an informed person is potentially a more happy and healthy.

Tasty Gifts From Germany

Nature insane beauty, small, cozy home Landscapes, reminiscent peace and quiet, gradually replaced by western urbanism, a little aggressive, a little lonely. She's so different – Germany. Choose to travel in Germany, for a moment you will not regret it. Beauty, in conjunction with the German pragmatism certainly do not leave you indifferent. Of course, the Germans were a different nation, and, initially, their ratio gives the coldness and arrogance, but I can tell you assure that it is only a first impression! Germany is similar to its residents: apparently not very friendly, after a certain time, be sure to let you into their secrets, which she has plenty. Boast Germany really have something. Take at least a world-famous German beer. A variety of species and cultivars can confound the most discerning palate: pilsner, altbir, bokbir, tsvikelbir, rauhbir and festive festbir.

It is easy to get confused, especially if you do not speak German, right? Therefore, everything in order. Pilsner – bottom-fermented beer. It is – a bitter and contains from 4 to 4.8% alcohol. Sell it in Germany, but especially – in its northern part. For the first time that beer was brewed in Bohemia in Pilsen. Altbir – got its name from the Latin word altus (at the top"): made by fermenting yeast remains at the top. In other words, "top-fermenting beer." It has the flavor hops. As well as Pilsner, Alt contains about 4.8% alcohol. His birthplace – Dusseldorf, the lower reaches of the Rhine.

Direction Credit

This, is naturally one nonreality, but an annoying trick perpetrated by the losers that better do not have anything to do than to try and the money outside the people who have financial problems already. Don? t is deceived by its empty promises and proclamations of the socket-lock of enormous savings, like you? ll is limited to pay an initial honorarium that is swallowed in a certain electronic abyss, leaving him in more hardship than you began. It has, luckyly, the companies of the consolidation of debt that can help truth him to leave the eddy of the malcrdito, and buttock in the black. But this can be a possibility of you, following how he is bad is his credit, or how long is not going to take you to completely you pay dull everything that you must. And for that reason, there are luckyly the companies that can help him at their time of the necessity, preorganizing his financial plans with the representation that you wish to buy his car, the car, the van, SUV, or rv of. This is not only a great thing for you like the consumer, still to be able to buy the new or pre-own car that you want, but also to move advanced with its new purchase in the direction to restore its guilty credit. To have to finance his again car mortgages yprstamo that you can allow yourself is an enormous factor in the acquisition behind indicates towards his report of credit, simultaneously letting to him enjoy his new vehicle, and taking off of his bad situation of the credit. Original author and source of the article

What To Bring As A Gift From Latvia ?

Going on a trip to Latvia, we expect to see something familiar from childhood, and something totally new. We were impressed by the European appearance of towns and Russian speech on their streets, the strict nature of the north and bustle of the centers. Head spun from the impressions of contrasts and new discoveries. "I must not forget to tell you about this at home" – we think. – "It will impress friends and parents, to close It's time to remember the gift! He will be weighty addition to the story, and where not enough words, the gift will describe for you. So, let's go on a proper tour of Latvia. In the journey for a gift! Where are typically presents? Of course, in the stores! "Ah," You sigh in disappointment – "Recovers surprise: where else to buy gifts!" Not exactly.

The best gifts of this country in a large assortment of really belong on the shelves of its stores. First of all, it's cosmetic line . Maybe you remember this makeup your mom? It is still not inferior in quality to the world's leading brands. Therefore, the gift will truly gorgeous! From cosmetics shop moved into the clothing store. And here, too find jerseys Latvian factories. Quality – excellent! Remember the glory of "jersey from the Baltic States"? So, first of all it appeared by the Latvian products! Shop still good and the fact that, thanks impressive range, you can pick up as an intimate gift to a loved one, and quite neutral gift to a distant relative.

How To Marry A Foreigner ?

Find love abroad can be either on a dating site, or through an international marriage agency. Of course, you can meet her only on holidays on the Riviera or stay abroad, but what If traveling abroad in the near future is foreseen? Method number one widespread Internet makes it possible to quickly organize your search for the second half of any country in the world. International dating service – Internet service that provides Internet services for users of virtual communication with people from other countries. Objectives dating can be very different – virtual communication, friendship, serious relationship, create family. How does it work? A girl that wants to get acquainted with a foreigner is registered on a dating site and creates a profile, which indicates your name, date of birth, or it can describe their appearance (hair and eye color, height, weight), indicate the level of language skills. You can then upload your photo, which increases the chances to meet its second half.

After registration, the user can send and receive messages browse profiles of users. For overseas dating sites characterized by the fact that girls can not find the questionnaire on the Russian Internet, it will only see foreign men. And basically this is a man of advanced countries. Search function is available profiles of men on certain parameters, specified at registration (country, age, appearance, etc.) On many sites available services such as chat rooms, blogs and video communication. To begin the correspondence is not necessarily speak a foreign language, you can use the built-in converter or use the electronic translator on one of the free sites: translate.ru, translate.meta.ua, translate.

Freight Shipping Petersburg Functional

One of the most highly developed infrastructure with the position of settlements in Russia, without a doubt, become St. Petersburg. Not for nothing that he became known as the "northern capital": in fact, the entrepreneurial life then just hit the fountain. A practical, spatial location – close to the border with the Republic of Finland – are able to make this town and in addition is very convenient in terms of delivery of goods. Through so favorable combination of circumstances, namely freight transport is one of a number of cultivators has been particularly active elements of business activity area. And, in terms of cargo petersburg turns out to be, particularly human settlements development. It is important to note that the shipping both within the metropolis, to the same extent and in the region, while at the same time – in Western Europe – are now not only one type of business activity, but, above all, the hottest version of the services.

Moreover, the services of transportation needs as large companies to the same extent and in general small, and in addition, and individuals. After all, Today, a normal move to a new apartment does not necessarily occur within a single city – often former residents move to permanent residence in his house in a suburban town close to the big city. In this embodiment, freight is required to exercise extreme caution, in particular – if you need to transport bulky goods that are in everyday course of events, although rare, and still are. But, of course, in most versions of oversize objects – a search query, which greatly attracted by the organization. Active promotion of industry and transport industry moves to today can easily and relatively less costly to organize all sorts of cargo. For any type of cargo is likely to select the optimum solution in terms of difficulties of transportation.

For example, most organizations that operate in the sector of freight, have quite considerable its fleet of heavy transport vehicles – tanks, boxes, side cars, and also equipped with an awning. Carrying capacity is also changing – from small cars, which transport company provides independent individuals and medium-sized companies to heavy trucks, which are especially appreciate the large industrial enterprises. Choosing firm for shipping, need to aim for the longitude of the market sector, professional drivers, and also the current state of technical fleet. In this case, the client gets really great quality shipping, timely delivery of goods both within the metropolis, to the same extent and in the country or beyond its borders.

The Choice Of Wall Colors And Wallpaper

Paint – one of the most versatile materials that can cover walls, ceilings, window and door frames, furniture parts and other painted surfaces can be made of concrete, brick, wood and metal. To correct Paint selection is important to consider all the characteristics and technological aspects. Along with decorative, paint a protective function. They protect wood surfaces by moistening, drying and destruction Concrete – from shattering, metal – corrosion. Manufacturers are constantly replenish its range of colors with new colors, effects, features, etc. As with any products, paint materials are characterized by a set of features – technical, decorative and performance. For the right choice of paint is important to consider all the characteristics and technological aspects. Take into account the properties necessary condition of education quality paint coating – high adhesion, the ability to paint adhesion to the surface.

Incidentally, the thin film is higher than that of fat, so do not try to put a lot of paint on the surface, exceeding the optimum (recommended by the manufacturer) value. In addition, to paint a good lie down on the surface, it must be a corresponding viscosity, and to avoid any leakage of dye is introduced so-called thixotropic additives. Thixotropy – the ability to increase the fluidity of the material under mechanical loads. When choosing paint for use vinterere, special attention should be paid to its environmental friendliness and safety. Andrei Nazarenko, category manager "Henkel Bautechnik (Ukraine)", notes that consumers have become legible when selecting construction materials and pay particular attention to issues of environmental security. Dmitry Musiyenko, Head of Sales LLC "Giant", said that a truly environmentally friendly paint should be odorless. In addition, the responsible manufacturer necessarily indicate a capacity class durability and European environmental certificate TUV. Most friendly to the environment – paint with the international symbol on the packaging of the "Blue Angel" – a symbol of absolute purity and environmental safety products.