The Physics And Chemistry Of Love

How much chemistry is there love? Love is not only emotion and spirituality, i.e. also the chemistry is important, or what is the same, the physical attraction. However, there are many cases showing that physical attraction is not immediate, and first arises the emotional compatibility. Thus shown in the cases of friends who fall in love after a time share friendship. True beauty is on the inside, therefore when you know someone who you think perfect, is normal that at the external level, it also seems more interesting, like more than before and you attract internally.

Therefore, when you know someone, rather than get carried away by prejudice, the interesting thing is give a chance to another person because they may surprise you and you are done in love with who you least expect. In love there is chemistry, there is attraction, and to deny the obvious is forgetting that this attraction is that unlike a relationship of love, a relationship between friends. The attraction Physics is reflected in body tension that you feel to have against you to a person who does not leave you indifferent, the inability to stop looking at who you like, in the desire to kiss such a chemical, obviously, is stronger and more intense at the beginning of the relationship when the desire is very powerful. However, as the story progresses, grows the emotional attraction between the two, the affection, the complicity and understanding over the years ago that physical appearance is not so perfect as to age twenty, on the other hand, emotional level, a mature person is much more interesting, he has more experience, more life and more options to be fully happy than someone who still has much to live. Experience is a degree. The human being is a perfect set of body and mind, therefore behind a relationship there is a very important emotional part, but there is also, a part that is very physical and body. Both are equally important. I.e. the chemistry of love makes your heart will accelerate to see the other person. And the mystery of the physical attraction is really fascinating, and somewhat, it can not always be controlled.

Argentine Government

Clear that the magnitude of both movements is much lower than that observed in the crisis of 2001, while the Government has tools to curb these situations. Can Argentina suffer a crisis like in 2001? In principle one should say no, the current situation of the Argentine economy, as mentioned above, is different from that observed at that time and it has today, much more flexibility (something not allowed convertibility) and tools to overcome the difficult moments without having to pay a high price as it happened with the end of convertibility. I say in principle, because one observes many times how the Argentine Government is autolimita in its economic policy action when it refuses to recognize the reality. This systematic denial imposes a restriction on the possibilities of action as convertibility imposed at the time. A case witness of this, is what has happened with the question inflationary, that refusing the reality when it had exceeded 12%, this increased steadily to more than 30% (in this sense, the external crisis and internal turbulence, did you well to the Argentine economy). Currently, the Government continues to work on measures to encourage economic activity from different fronts and surely today there will be ads in this regard. But apart from this attitude of denial that has proven as Government property, in recent times already is out of necessity or for noble reasons, has been accepted worried the current economic situation of the country, which makes suppose that the stage of denial, would lose viability.

Then, assuming a Government with capacity of reaction, the risk that the Argentine economy is currently facing undoubtedly is not the gravity of which had to face in order to convertibility, although it is not one lower risk to despise it. The current risk, which many economists have made reference in recent days, is that the country, facing a scenario of zero growth. So is that already anticipates that private investment and external sector will be components of the product that most affected will be about the current situation of internal turbulence and external crisis. The consumption of families also feel the impact, while public spending will act partially compensating for the deterioration of other components of Argentine GDP. What should the Government do now? Beyond the economic policy measures that might take the Government at the moment, I think that best thing you can do is take advantage of the crisis has forced it to a partial sinceramiento to so completely honest the problems of the Argentine economy and begin to seek solution. Moments of crisis like that is experiencing, beyond the concerns that might generate, are propitious times for changes of Fund in the economic policy of the countries. Is that the crisis situation facilitates different sectors that struggle to the benefits, agree to cede in the negotiation to facilitate measures that in other times would have seemed impossible to materialize. So for example, one might think that in this context, would be the Government easier to lay workers and employers and ask them the first to yield, at least partially in their wage claims, and seconds that kept jobs and prevent increases in prices on their goods and services. Argentina faces a great challenge, and within this great challenge, a great opportunity to correct the mistakes that have been committed do leverage it?

King Solomon

A painful fact. Amid oaths and curses against the victim, the man was taken to the police delegation. Days later he confessed to authorities that does them motivated by resentment that dominated it since childhood. My father gave me bad treatment, recounted. What the Bible regarding curses and more: when? These words are pronounced against the parents? King Solomon taught: that curse his father and his mother, his lamp will turn you off in dense darkness.(Proverbs 20: 20, new international Version) Utter curses against our parents, reverts in curses for our life, as taught by the word of God; but in addition, cursing other people is an instrument that Satan and his hosts sowing our evil thoughts, leverage if we allow it to cause harm to persons.

We can not become instruments of evil. Our lips must express blessing, not a curse. With respect to elders, in this case the parents, the Scriptures teach that we owe them respect and honour: Ponte standing in the presence of elders. Respect the elders. You fear your God. I am the Lord.(Leviticus 19: 32, new international Version) It is likely to remember having cursed loved his parents among them. Today is the day to repent before God and compensate the damage we did.

Keep in mind can not proclaim us Christians, when our lips say and wish evil to others. The psalmist wrote to address the incoherence of worshipping God but curse others: only consulted to shed him of his greatness. They love the lie; They bless with their mouth, but they curse in his heart.(Psalm 62: 4) We review our expressions. As says the Apostle Paul, we can not open space to help make our adversary the Devil: if they get angry, not small.Don’t let the sun go down while still angry, 27 neither give place to the devil.(Ephesians 4: 26-28, new international Version) It is necessary to remain vigilant, even with what we say at a time when we are angry.

Jeff Speakman

It also has an extensive video library. Dojo: Spanish journal of great historical, philosophical and martial content, was founded in the Decade of the 70s. It is one of the most enjoyable pleasant reading and content entertaining, among its articles more common were those who treated about Bruce lee, but especially history of martial arts. In addition us was always aware of the films of this genre. Unfortunately leave publish in 2008 for economic reasons, a real Latin, was very good publication.

They used to meet almost the same teachers as the previous, but that if it was more thin. Martial arts: Revista MEXICANA directed by controversial journalist Juan Chia. He was for seven years the publication of martial arts more solid and disseminated on the subject, of very good quality and graphics that begged him nothing to previous magazines. Interviewed teachers from the likes of Frank Dux, Jeff Speakman, Skip Hankok, Robert Koga, Sam Kuoha and virtually all important teacher who came to Mexico. Unfortunately to my I got to see the decadence that became during its last year of existence; items that were once enjoyable and interesting became a sort of commercials and auto flattery to his collaborators. But despite that it was without a doubt, the best magazine that deals with the subject, a pity that I stop editing due to lack of interest.

Katana: Revista MEXICANA, although it does not reach the national dissemination as the previous one, is of high editorial quality and has an extensive video library and is an excellent means of dissemination events and tournaments. It has been very criticized by the Mexican martial community for political reasons between associations, but that does not diminish their valuable content. As I already mentioned, it is not always distributed throughout the country, a real shame. The budoka: Spanish magazine, although it is of the 90s does not reach the dissemination of its namesake, but focuses more on interviews and commercials. It is good quality editorial but also comes to the country several months later. Other journals exist such as the kung fu, fists of steel and martial arts uses but they are are more than anything broadcast of events and of lesser quality, unfortunately. Magazine were, and come but I think it is clear that needed media for the dissemination of these disciplines, since as we do not seek financial gain, sponsorship is not much, but that has not prevented a subculture of fans of martial arts to develop. I say goodbye and accept criticism and suggestions.

Opium Wars

Opium Wars XX Main article: Opium Wars XX Chinese officials destroyed a consignment of export opium opium Marketing by Britain, France and the United States to China led to a conflict of major proportions. The Chinese believed that the West had nothing of value with which to trade. But British and American traders, strongly backed by the English crown, saw the possibility of having opium trade. Opium and its derivatives (morphine, heroin, etc..) Are one of the most addictive drugs. A Chinese worker who became addicted, spending 2 / 3 of his salary on opium and his family left destitute citation needed . By 1839 the opium was already available to workers and peasants. This was generated with an epidemic of addicts in China so the emperor had to intervene in the matter, naming Lin Hse Tsu to curb the opium trade, he burned them drawers and risked a war (1839).When Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, the first thing they did was put a statue of Lin, considered a national hero. Lin Hse Tsu sent a letter to Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom asking him not to smuggle more opium (1). However, Queen Victoria did not accede to Chinese demands, exploding shortly after the First Opium War, which generated an incentive for most merchants were in China from the United States and England. Many big U.S. fortunes were based on this drug, which was concealed, they said they were traded tea or snuff. It was called China Trade or Far East Trade. Chinese girl poppy harvesting fruits in Manchukuo

Majesty Hallway

Therefore, from the vestibule, hallway she confidently climbed the hierarchical ladder and settled somewhere at the entrance-hall, thus reviving one of the long, in fact the glorious traditions of the noble interior design and home country site. Thus, the present hall country house – a place if not for life, at least, an extremely comfortable place to spending time preceding the transition into residential apartments. Today's creative freedom, but in other words – design of the apartment allows you to create extremely functional and stylish space hallway. At once agree that the hallway and a closet for storage of household belongings – not the same thing. All the more so in a country cottage to solve this problem is not particularly difficult affair.

It offers the homeowner household Built specially adapted room in the house, which over the years and stored in awe things necessary time in five years, the garage, finally, etc. In short, the hall is used for its intended purpose: to meet included a homey feel, instilling in him the strength and energy to their homes after a busy day. And of course, to accompany him in the morning to the world, providing the necessary positive emotions and pleasant promising to return in the evening. That can create such a mood? Of course, what looks nice and has the functional advantages. His Majesty the cabinet is no secret that the abundance of detail, even if each of them is strictly in place, all externally still gives the impression of disorder. Therefore, the number of things in the hallway should be minimal.

Within reasonable limits, of course: the bare walls, too, do not add to comfort. The optimal set of furniture for the hall will be a hanger, nightstand for shoes, a mirror and, of course, a case – built-in or freestanding. The first is preferable. Because, as experience shows, that this design fits perfectly in any room geometry, because it takes into account topographic features of the walls, elevating even the flaws in the rank of virtues.

Ausias March

AUSIS MARCH (1397-1459) when should be the death item no? That will be in your love when I ignite. Prior is having in very little by life and that by it she disparages it whole. Ausias March. THE voice excited of a great TROUBADOUR Ausias March was born in Gandia, in the Kingdom of Valencia, to 1397 and died in Valencia on November 4, 1459. He belonged to the Valencian branch of a Catalan family, the March’s strong literary tradition. In addition our poet, married Isabel Martorell, sister of another big Valencian author, Joanot, who wrote the novel of cavalry Tirant lo Blanch, but the marriage lasted only three years for death of wife; death that motivated a lawsuit against March by one of his brothers-in-law. March held the title of greatest de Alfonso el Magnanimo Haunter for long years. Something more than honorific title because it seems that he liked hard in this noble sport.

He married forty had approximately how many illegitimate children and loved, we do not know with what constancy to one or more loved ones impossible. One of them retained the taste of ash, the taste of death. Another, the disappointment of finding it too alive. The true beloved, was probably the invention. March is the best poet of ancient Catalan literature. His poetic work, consisting of 128 cants, paid either by three influences: that of the troubadours, whose verses he had found in the library of his father Pere March; the Aristotle and Scholasticism and the poetry Italian trascendentista. When March contemplates love, the woman is not the ideal that of the troubadours, but something human, real, which has contacts with the world and religion; that rapprochement is born the distinction between true love and false, between sensuality and wisdom, or full Lady of seny. The Cants d love that celebrates to Teresa Bou, who as Petrarch Laura met in a church the day of good Friday, combine love and religiosity.

Publish Book Online

If you are a writer and want to publish a book in Spain or in any country where speak Spanish, this article offers a series of ideas about how to publish a book online, free. See also, how to approach the published work to a greater number of people. Publish a book online at present can be edited completely free books, even in Spanish. The Internet allows that the intense work of writing a book can become the satisfaction of seeing it published. Book publishing has changed and continues to change, gradually. New alternatives to traditional publishers and publication style of a few years ago, are present on the internet. But the writer who wants to see his book published must understand that edit books online goes beyond own literary creation.

It can be an excellent writer and a nefarious seller. The result of this can be a great work that the danger of completely unnoticed. It is necessary to know what to do to publish book online. And most important, not make. You have clear these two points are a guarantee that the experience is rewarding, at least, personally. What to do to achieve the first free publication is to determine the quality of the written work.

Understand if the workbook that you want to edit is ready to do so or even need extra work. This work, essential, is something you own writer can do. There is also the possibility of hiring a proofreading service. Before delivering copies of the work, to different publishers or agencies, for editing, it is important to register it. It is not yet clear if it is good or not, but it’s good to prove the authorship from the beginning. This serves to demonstrate the intellectual property and to check that the work that is recorded is unique; no figuring anything similar, registered previously. You can choose to auto-publishing. For this purpose, there are web sites specializing in the editing model known as publication by demand. If the book is ready to be part of an online library, it is time to know where and how. Web sites such as or they are examples of options for free online publication. The positive side of the self-publishing in print on demand mode, is that the investment cannot be zero and gain from sales can reach up to 80% (significantly higher than the percentages of classical publishers). The negative is that the writer has to also act as promoter and distributor of the book. This means a considerable investment of time. In this sense, social networks, social bookmarking as a Social Marker and the friends and relatives; they become a valuable and effective formula of promotion and sale.

Occult Page

Beginning in the 1970s Page owned an jewish kabbalah occult bookstore in London called “The Equinox Booksellers and kabbalah string Publishers (” Sellers and publishers of the equinox “), which was closed due to the limited time that I enjoyed Page due to the explosion of popularity of Led Zeppelin. The the kabbalah library published the book The Goetia of Aleister Crowley, in creation center his edition of 1904.
Runes or symbols on the cover of Led Zeppelin IV, which correspond to each of the members of the banda. The Page is for beginning with the first left, which has the red string bracelet word “Zoso.”
However, what is more related to the occult with Page is the inclusion on the cover of the album Led Zeppelin IV Four Symbols representing each member of the banda. During the concert presentation of this work, Page used to go to the scene with zodiac symbols embroidered on his clothes with one of the symbols of the disk, named as “Zoso”. This attracted many fans of the band and feed their curiosity. Although the sign itself remains a mystery, is known to have originated in Ars Magica kabbalah bracelet Arteficii a grimorio 1557, whose author is J. Cardan, which identifies the symbol “Zoso” as Satan. los angeles center Previously, some speculation suggesting that the origin of the sign could have arisen from a book called border Speaks, red kabbalah Austin Osman Spare, distributed by Page in the former library. Another theory states that “Zoso” red string could result from a study center stylish 666, or Cabala. However, it is centre center largely accepted as the theory of grimorio true, so it is likely that the other two are incorrect. Has also been explained that the creation of the tree kabbalah sign is just a doodle of Page senseless specific. The guitarist never said anything about the meaning of the sign.
The logo of Swan Song, the company founded by Led Zeppelin in 1974 to edit mysticism your work, is a figure Amazon of Apollo, Greek god zohar of light and reason, although it is sometimes misinterpreted as if it were an image of Icarus, who died burnt by flying too near the Sun, or Lucifer, a fallen angel who was expelled from Heaven and which subsequently became Satan. The representation of Apollo is based on a painting by William Rimmer, Evening: Fall of the Day, 1869.
For its part, the meditation center interior design of the album Led Zeppelin IV is based on a Tarot card, called “the hermit.” Page transforms into this character during the film The Song Remains the Same.
Page was also invited to write the soundtrack of the Lucifer Rising short films shot by another admirer of Aleister Crowley, the director Kenneth Anger. In turn, Page rodasen cabalakabala allowed to film kabbala some scenes at The Tower House, his residence in London. As a kabalah result of the composition of the soundtrack of the short, Page wrote only 23 minutes of music, something that seemed to Anger inadequate, saying that Page had taken three years to write only 23 minutes of music. The principal charge against Page in statements, saying he had “trouble with the White Lady (in reference to cocaine),” which was “a pretentious occultists”, and was 72 names of god so hooked on drugs that he was tree center unable to complete the project. Page responded, arguing that it had completed all his responsibilities, and even helped to finish the movie Anger his own recording equipment. Page compositions in the film were replaced kaballah by the work of Bobby Beausoleil, a Charles Manson family and a convicted murderer who composed the soundtrack from his stay in prison. Recording the soundtrack of the unedited film was composed by Jimmy Page in pirated editions published by some fans of the spiritual center band on the label Boleskin House Records on June kabbalah 19, 1987. It is rumored that the beginning of the song “In the Evening,” which appears on the album In Through the Out Door by Led Zeppelin, was extracted from this banda sonora inedita, although most of the soundtrack was included in the composition of corresponding to the Death Wish II.

British Library

In their classic book management teams, the British psychologist Meredith Belbin used extensive empirical evidence to sustain effective teams require members who can cover nine key roles. These roles range from creative plants who generate new ideas, to disciplined performers who turn plans into action and big-picture coordinators who keep each one who works alongside opportunity galore. Much the same range of roles is critical to science. Unfortunately, the academic system tends to reward only some of these activities significantly which have easily measured outcomes, such as the publication and citation numbers so heavily loaded by promotion and tenure committees. In nature outlines a research group composed largely of what I would call Belbin fuller finishers perfectionists that lead to secure all the to fill all the gaps and defects to get the job done correctly. This particular group is trying to finish the human genome sequence of the reference, which is still full of errors nearly a decade after the first draft was announced in 2000.

It is essential work: modern techniques of sequence still used the reference to the new anchor data even during milling out genomes in a fraction of the cost of the original. But it is also work that he offers little academic rewards beyond the satisfaction of a job done well is not likely give rise to a prominent publication. The identification system could allow so that every researcher has a continuously updated digital resume. Such forgotten contributions to science may soon be easier to assess and quantify this month with an identification of the above proposed copyright system and backed by 23 organizations, including Thomson Reuters, the Group of publication of nature, Elsevier, ProQuest, jumper, CrossRef, the British Library and the Wellcome Trust in. The researcher and contributor to the open identification (ORCID) would be an alphanumeric sequence that identifies only the individual scientist more or less in the same way that a digital object identifier identifies only a paper, book, or other publication of student (more details and the full list of participants will be soon available in.) The system would distinguish between numerous Dr. .