Salt Water

In the planet, more of 80% of the space it is occupied by water but a 1% of the same are only apt for the human consumption. At the moment, so that we become an idea, they exist a daily production of 24 million cubic meters of desalinated water; water that can be consumed by near 100 million people. Can be drunk salt water? If we tried to consume water of the sea, the high levels of salt that it has would cause a decompensation of the water retained in our cells then when ingesting as much salt, the water of our cells would leave outside to try to compensate the levels. In summary, we would dehydrate, reason why to consume salt water imply, not to calm our thirst and to even make worse it still more. How can be transformed salt water into fresh water? The greater problem of the desalination process (to turn salt water into fresh water) is the enormous infrastructures that are needed for it, high power cost and the polluting residues that are generated during the process. In order to be able to obtain fresh water from water salty we can choose to use up to 4 different methods: Inverse osmosis? Distillation? Freezing? Evaporation lightning? Hydrate formation advanced More, in other articles, I will be explaining of what it treats each procedure, what is better, worse, etc. A thing that there is to know clearly is that if we try to fight by the sustainability we will have to find the balance between generating water fresh and that the impact for the environment produced by the desalination ones is the possible minor. We will be able in the future to enjoy all the potable water that we wish? Original author and source of the article..

Constructing A Literature Concept

The form as education is developed learning of Literature comes sufficiently being questioned for some theoreticians whom they search to understand this subject. It is important to think about this question, therefore many times we perceive in relation to the education of Literature that this is atrelado to a well closed form, that is, its main concepts are transmitted to the pupils ready only to be decorated and repeated by them. This fact influence in the learning and the understanding of what it would be Literature really for the life of the pupil. It is as if it was an unknown horizon that belonged only to the poets, writers who if had become rules in Literature. In this context that the participation of the professor of Literature could be differentiated approaching the subject involving the pupil and this to feel itself as subject main of its proper learning. The problem of the education of Literature generally occurs when we conceive the concept or proper literary text as static that not accepted changes, therefore what really we perceive is that the field of Literature is, over all, moving and unstable and an analysis of a literary text can move of reader for reader, of time for time. Author Mrcia Abreu (2006) very works well the question when explaining that she must yourself be made reflections thinking to them what we can consider literature, that is, when I can consider a literary text. This question for the author is a question that has led to many errors in the hour if to evaluate a literary text and a not literary one. The cited author accents the fact of the literature concept not to be something objective and universal, but cultural and historical, to think literature is necessary to reflect on the literary terms (Mrcia Abreu, 2006) In relation to the reading of literary texts we can bring for the text the author Barbosa, for it literature never is only literature; what we read as literature is always more – it is History, Psychology, Sociology.

Director Thomas Karsch

In his entertaining speech he explained the new appearance of the brand Sofitel, which now stands for refined luxury with French charm. Therefore one should not be surprised, that Sofitel employees now with “Bonjour”greet. Patron of the event was the Bavarian State Government, which was represented by the Minister of State for science, research and art, Dr. Thomas Goppel, once more. He emphasized the importance of the meeting location Germany. In 2007, the number of events to six percent had increased to 2.8 million. Still more clearly the number of participants took to namely to eight percent. Bavaria is well positioned with around 600 Conference Hotels and 250 conference centres for the growing market of the meeting.

Goppel praised in this regard the commitment of leisure publishing, with the leader selected conference hotels to feel 13 years significantly to improve the quality of service in the range contributes. Marriage of the well-known TV moderator Werner Schulze Edwards led to the award ceremony, he pointed out some innovations of the 13th edition of the book. The most obvious change involves the processing: the bulky hardcover now became a handy soft-cover version. This desire came from our readers who often take the book on their trips and events, explains project manager Jacqueline Schaffrath. The print quality of the entries could be improved also visible through a new technique.

228 hotels include 2008/2009 in the issue as many like never before. The enormous interest of the range, to qualify for inclusion in our guide shows it is unequivocal that the industry is trying very to their service quality “, says the Deputy publishing Director Thomas Karsch. Exactly 369 candidates have gone through multi-stage selection process this year. 141 candidates could not meet the strict criteria of good feeling and were therefore rejected. The winner of the category A category of small conference hotels (less than 100 rooms) provided the sensation of the evening: the meeting Villa of Rheinfels traded as a top favorite could not defend their pole position from last year and this time had to make do with rank 3. That cross the Rhine at St. Goar, domicile is high since 1997 a selected conference hotel to feel good “and always see the best. Owner Gerd RIPP it took athletic and could still enjoy about this excellent result. Significantly greater joy in family Mintrop, was to but also for many years the “selected”. With their Essen farms of Mintrops land hotel (1st place) and Mintrops city hotel (2nd) moved them before on the two first places in the category. The surprise was written in the face of Maria Mintrop and her daughter Maria Carolina literally, because they had not expected such success. the country finished Hotel 2nd place in 2007, the city hotel rank 5 for the first time in the book and immediately see the placed came the traditional Hotel elephant Weimar (# 9) and the Landhotel Adler in the Bavarian Martinszell (place 15) and Nell’s Park Hotel in Trier (rank 17).

Oliveira Blacksmith

Crisngela Gardnia Lamb of Oliveira Hercules de Oliveira Blacksmith SUMMARY the present work deals with the story of experience lived deeply in Supervised Period of training III, in space not-deed of division of Education, as requirement of the resume of the Course of Licenciatura in Geography. It approaches the partner-space importance of the Ambient Education and its implications in the context of the Education not-deed of division, whose proposal Connection was pautou in the organization of pedagogical workshop in the Project Life, that is kept by the Association of Mothers of Candeal-BA, this project attends devoid children by means of feeding, education, health and leisure. Thus these stories have for base to reflect the process of developed pedagogical intermediao during all workshop in planning term, evaluation, methodologies, technique of education, relation trainee-pupil, difficulties and successes. For if dealing with one practical pedagogical one carried through in an educative space not-deed of division, that characterizes as place differentiated how much to the learning process, the objectives of the developed activities were pautados in the experience of the participants and/or daily reality. It was adopted conception partner-construtivista who presents as central point the premise of that learning and development are products of the social interaction, considering the construction of the experience knowledge on the basis of the practical ones. At last, the choice of the thematic Ambient Education appeared of the necessity of formation of ecological citizens that they search to critically know the importance of the environment in the quality of life, implementing in its practical daily conscientious and ecologically correct attitudes..

Theory You Rhyme Of Them

It rhymes it has soul linking with the rhythm. It can be appreciated but she is not felt when she appears randomly in verses. Optimum aesthetic effect of rhymes is to appear where if it waits inside of a certain rhythm. Invervalo leaves an aesthetic emptiness a time that one estrofe can finish with two rhymes followed by two pauses in estrofe following. I present a project of signals here representing the sound of rhymes and silence.

The asterisk goes to represent a sound repeated in the end of the verse that is it rhymes when it of its effect of echo of the sound of another verse end. The positive signal goes to represent the sound it rhymes where it starts, the preparation of rhymes, the sound that later will be repeated in the end of another verse. The negative signal goes to represent verses without rhymes as this project: – Verse without rhymes + Preparation of rhymes * rhymes It TWILIGHT SERTANEJO? Carlos Aires When the sun in ocidente- Vai losing its claro+ – the night low the curtain, – Black of escurido*+ In a twilight majestoso+ – Becoming prazeroso* more the dusk in the Serto*+ great Cause us emoo* This moment reverso+ – When the poets if inhale Bringing for its verso*+ pure Beauty and constante+ – Of each point brilhante* That it appears in universo*+ In the inspiration is imerso* Quiet and soturno+ – When seeing for it brings of the hill At a moment taciturno*+ When in the pantry of mata+ – the moon of the color of prata* Exibe the brightness noturno*+ Pra I inhabit who it is diurno* Already is if aquietando+ – While the sad owl Of the o its shout agourando*+ Already meets agasalhada+ – In the patio, all boiada* Well calm ruminando* … Observo the Serranias+ – With fenomenais rochedos+ – Valleys hillsides lajedos* brandos Winds, breezes frias* Beautiful pretty nights dias* In this fantastic paisagens+ – I receive mensagens*+ In this pure air Here that respiro+ – God Ahead helps and I inspiro* of these imagens* me Looking at of these mirantes+ – Inebrio me with beleza+ – That offers natureza* Vejo places distantes*+ Or scenes hilariantes* Passing for these trilhas+ – Sighting rivers, ilhas*+ This everything me consiste+ – In knowing that God existe* Between as much maravilhas* Seeing these rocks gigantes+ – Of forms arredondadas+ – Nor I calculate toneladas* For being exorbitantes*+ Abysses estonteantes* Is seen in steep ladeiras+ – Rising and corredeiras*+ Forming mananciais+ – Appearing of these canais* Streams and cachoeiras* Daqui is inebriante+ – To contemplate for of sol+ – the dawn arrebol* the twilight alucinante*+ Is very emocionante* Ouvir in the nights serenas+ – sonorous cantilenas* Come of the birds noturnas+ – In the hours more taciturnas* Gives to the virtuosos cenas* Beyond the appreciation that if makes of an adequate or vast vocabulary in, for example, acrstico and in the aliterao it rhymes, provides it in certain poems the meldico pleasure.

Federal University

For in such a way, as analysis methodology, it is used of the exposition of photos of a workshop carried through in the project, as well as the stories of the different participants in as the same alunosgraduandos, academic professors and professors of the state net. It is standed out that throughout the existence of the project, workshops for different professors in different cities doEstado of the Espirito Santo Brazil had been oferecidasoutras, however the analysis to be here will expostapartir of when the monitor it entered the same one. These workshops have to comocarter the search for the continued and initial formation of professors eprofessorandos, enabling them with new methodologies of education. Porfim in what it refers to the contributions to geographic science we can detaches relevance that the project has in the context of the formation of licenciandoda geographic academy of the UFES. Also we want to stand out the importnciada education in the formation of the geographic identity, therefore the separation dacincia between bacharelado and licenciatura, as it happens in vrioscursos of graduation in Geography, for Brazil it measures, it can generate umaviso of rupture and spalling in the collective construction of the pensamentopor part of the learning in involved them. The present text aims at to present the experience story, relativa pupil experience permitting, monitor scholarship holder of interdepartamental extension noprojeto ' ' Geography-foot it road ' ' , coordenadopela teacher Ms. Marisa Pink Terezinha Valladares, of the Departamentode Education, Politics and Society, of the Center of Education and pelaprofessora Dra.

Giseli Girardi, of the Department of Geography, of the Centrode Sciences Natural Human beings and, both of the Federal University doEsprito Saint. Therefore, the same it has for objective to socialize reflexesacerca of the passveis learnings to be propitiated nodesenvolvimento of projects of this nature. For in such a way, it is intended, aolongo of this text, beyond displaying the characteristics of the project, describing its main activities, searching to establish the devidasconexes between the academy, the project, the monitor/pupil and the white public, with emphasis in from there decurrent learnings.

Ralph Johnson

The GoF mentions it primeirocatlogo on standards of projects whose it is formed by the members Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides. After the publication destelivro, the standards of projects had had a bigger focus, became enlarged the number delivros telling standards and paradigms of construction and development desoftware, but, the book of GoF is one of the first ones, and more definitivosobre standards of projects. ' ' … Alexander leaves clearly that its standards ajudama to serve and to inspire the people who will go to occupy due construes.' ' (METSKER, 2004, p.18). Following the same thought of Christopher Alexander, we can compare its ideas and relates when we project them a software, in it we look for to reach an objective: that software is of utmost importnciapara our customers, fulfilling with our stated periods and objectives to obtain aaprovao in a possible more satisfactory level.

The software community made to resound the boarding to deAlexander and created many books that register development standards desoftware. These books the best ones register practise for process desoftware, analyze of software and projects of high level and in the level of classroom. Umpadro of project is a standard a way to reach an objective what utilizaclasses and its methods in a guided language the object. (METSKER, 2004, p.18). The desenvolvedores in its bigger part search solutions paraseus problems, when using standards of projects, or after having knowledge emalguma programming language, or still already to have programmed for some time. Perhaps before this, we observe that codes of other programmers seem maisfuncional and simpler, but, that they demand a little more than time to analyze, and you if question, as this code of this desenvolvedor arrived at such point desimplicidade and bureaucracy. With the increase of the complexity of the applications to be desenvolvidastorna basic the use of an architecture, or standards of projects, frequently elesdependem of the characteristics as polimorfismo and inheritance, general oprincipio of project standards is that this boarding either aplicadaigualmente to all the boardings of software project, thus our projects for good andamentodos elescontribuam such volvedor arrived aossosm our projects and that it helps in to fulfill them our goals.

Preconception Lingustico

To make the adequacy of language to the context is a necessary good. However we do not have that to approach the question of what is right or wrong in question of the norms of the language, it is only necessary to respect the cultural and lingustica diversity in our community. Necessary to reflect, when it will be to point ‘ ‘ erro’ ‘. However, at the moment where we see a fight immense to abolish the most diverse types of preconception, that one of the lingustico type continues unknown is of the academic projects, and what it is still worse, stimulated for the medias, as the radio and the TV.

To say that to fight the lingustico preconception, he is each one to make its part, is improper, therefore this type of preconception nor would have to exist. We need at least is to have ethical. The occult norm: language & to be able in the Brazilian society.


Received one just knocked out, wanted to kill me may be, and can burn everything inside. Closed the phase at zero and the resulting strain was destroyed and the computer, you'll see it, and fax, a new, just bought me for my own well and a copier, printer and laptop, it's for money Subscribers to the enormous cost. Well, kickbacks, you know. All this is burned, lost dozens of articles, documents, and is still, circulation 500, is a technical journal, when another 40, maybe 50, at the international exhibition of his still were taken, as well as dozens of years, not only I drove, but a totally strangers. They boasted oh-oh, how it is done, we can. Do you know how?? Do =)))) And gubozakatyvatel themselves do not want to try ?=)))))'s and remembered last year. At first we were told it to me and we proofreader, are you no longer need, you will get 2 and 4 tr per month.

Not any more. Accounting has once again did not endorse such acts to cancel the old one, and talk about some scary, is not that show, but I did all this to show =)))). But you can admire and that have already posted this photo of three years ago, so to say the editorial room. That's right, but they did not sign because of all this is certainly went reports, as new and modern equipment and a newly renovated premises. Each year these reports went to the top, every year I filed a note to the accountant and chief accountant wrote to each year unsubscribe, saying it can not be because … I went with formal replies to Kolesnikov, in anything that did not interfere. Well, that's hanging on to me so far, along with its formal replies and fax machine, printer and telephone, long since broken and burned-out computer with a monitor, all of 1998-1999, issue at a price you know what, in total? And on the same one for which acquired, over 100 thousand in total. To be continued …


2007. p.11). While it is true that spiritual intelligence is needed to experience life in harmony, in the field of education has one significance much greater, for the reason that the education is the means by which humanity and their societies can improve and evolve your consciousness and education holistic that can achieve this transformation isSince that for education holistic intelligence cannot be separated from universal love, however, in mainstream education no one speaks and much less lives on this fundamental value education; educate in universal love means that at the center of all the types of intelligences should be aware that any ability, aptitude, or acquired competence, This should be used for the good of all beings in this world and the cosmos. As Dr. Gallegos is expressed the true intelligence is awareness of honor life in all its manifestations. Intelligence is the consciousness of preserving and honoring life using the holistic discernment. (Gallegos Nava, r. 2007. p.17) Scientistic education, which largely still is taught in our times, still trying to dominate the world and the external universe and suppresses the formative curriculum the own subjective inner world, which gives it meaning and sense of the human being, the consequences of this omission have taken catastrophic proportions, so have the oil spills, natural phenomena, global warming, the wars, the possitive that guide action of many new generations of human beings, etc., but still there is no consciousness that human nature cannot be controlled you, because still don’t know him really, but in holistic education humanity has a guide that gives light and can turn her gaze towards inside and in that process realizes what is its true nature; It is spiritual, divine the energy that it gives life to everything that exists; in particular I am a determined promoter of holistic education, because it is my hope for humanity to evolve your conscience and understand why man seeks the spiritual: because it is a spirit living a human experience.