Contact Fair

With an attractive offer of the German supported SaS provider of akwiso companies, drastically increasing the efficiency of their trade fair contact management and the conversion rate significantly increasing trade fair visitor/customer. Exhibitors are Dietmannsried – rather than how so far painfully having to measure by any fair mostly incomplete fair contact sheets or deciphering illegible notes on cards, with akwiso.event able to capture their fair contacts even before the place online. Contacts can be processed without delay, errors in the capture and loss due to lost contact sheets or business cards are virtually excluded. All companies that want to test the performance and flexibility of akwiso.event once on a practical presentation, get immediately the opportunity to do this for free. Learn more about this attractive offer is available in the Internet at. Measurement in most industries are still the most important measures to the New customer acquisition.

In Germany alone, 161 regional fairs took place in 2006, according to the exhibition and trade fair Committee of German Industry Association (AUMA) with more than 170,000 exhibitors and more than 9.5 million visitors. These events were complemented by a dense network of regional fairs with about 50,000 exhibitors and 7.5 million visitors. And also in the international business trade fairs play a significant role in the development of new markets. So, the Federal Government alone promotes annually about 200 community performances of German companies abroad. But exhibitions cost money for the booth, the invitation campaign in advance, marketing measures on the trade, catering and accommodation of the stand personnel, u.v.m.

For this reason must every company keen to be, to get the most out of his participation, i.e. as many visitors at the stand, then customers should be. But just the efficient reworking of trade fair contacts offers comprehensive improvement. It all starts with the first Contact with the visitors.

Efficient User Management

The consultancy recommends that process-oriented solutions with automated Leverkusen, October 14, 2008 – by the technological changes in the enterprise such as about the ongoing virtualization is one of the overarching management of users and their rights the duty program. Also the increasingly dynamic change of IT, as well as enhanced initiatives to the business process orientation require many automated processes across all systems. Classic solutions based on centralized directory, comply with actual rarely”, judge centracon Robert Gerhards from the consulting firm. You are not only inadequate, but at the same time also very time consuming and expensive”, he describes. A process-oriented management of identities was necessary especially due to the new legal requirements to EuroSOX the companies would have to critically rethink their solutions in the user management. Gallagher points out that nowadays the figure more common organizational Changes in the systems and applications to complex and partly manual processes leads. The revision security and transparency of the corresponding changes will reduced significantly.

This requires a new approach based on a process-oriented automation of the companies, modular and without changes to the infrastructure or organization slim can realize their identity management solution. Such process-oriented automation solutions for identity management should have the following characteristics according to the centracon consultants: current processes quickly and simply reproduce complete mapping of end-to-end processes by applying to the equipment in the system applications and systems seamlessly connect users and rights management automate processes through intelligent workflows control the traceability of the processes achieve compliance and audit requirements adhere to simple scalability in terms of the scope of the user accounts to manage. According to the market analysis of centracon xTigo has currently the solution to a such performance profile that corresponds to the requirements of efficient management of identities and rights. The xTigo automation automates framework the processes by means of predefined workflow as modular and open framework. At the same time, it controls the necessary for every process step jobs in the technical systems such as Active Directory, software distribution, HR or mail system. Retired employees are automatically excluded from all IT systems.

Integrated auditing security xTigo makes to understand what employees at which time had what permissions. Due to the workflows that are pictured in the identity management solution, she can be dynamically adjusted the infrastructure and processes of the company. The xTigo interfaces allow the integration into other systems in addition to standardize the corporate identity management. About centracon: Solutions for flexible and cost-efficient deployment and management of IT jobs and applications characterize the core competencies of centracon. Our consulting spectrum extends in addition to the classical optimization and standardization workplace infrastructures by implementing innovative technology solutions such as application virtualization and virtual desktops, to process and infrastructure automation to innovative business solutions such as, for example, user-self-service concepts. Customers include, for example, Bayer AG, FinanzIT, fiducia IT AG, GAD eG, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Swisscom IT services, Sony, and various federal agencies such as the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Crisis Efficient Advertising

Agency travel hairdryer comes with clear concept at the start of the economic framework conditions are currently not very rosy. Right now, it’s fatal, however, to stick your head in the sand for companies. Sales generate only with attractive customer communication is also in a difficult market environment. These commercials have to be expensive? The Agency Travel Monitor says “no”. The newcomer from Cologne is a concept for efficient advertising at the start.

Advertising and corporate communications have to be complicated and expensive. It often depends on the efficient use of all resources. Example: a company brochure. The range of design options is almost infinite. A company can choose a special format, square paper, rounded corners and a gold foil stamping on the front page.

Each request is but also an additional cost factor. Worth it? No. “A classic DIN A4 brochure, good designs and attractive, likewise leads to the target and protects especially the budget,” explains Ingo Porstmann, Owner of the Agency travel Phon. Good and cheap, it’s usually called this approach. The Agency travel Phon would like to offer their customers efficient advertising in the fields of communication, text and design. At the same time the creative from Cologne specialize very precisely on the aviation, hospitality and travel industries. Behind it hide for example airlines, business jet operators, hotels, travel agencies, tour operators, Conference Centre and destinations. “Our knowledge of the industry helps to realize projects efficiently”, Ingo Porstmann added. Why? Because the travel Phon speaks the language of the contracting authority the Agency and who knows the needs of their customers. A single designer will provide certainly attractive designs. But how long he needed to understand what the clients want to accomplish with their advertising? Here for elaborate coordination meetings every hour, and corrections to invest is an additional burden for the budget. This overhead will the Agency travel Phon in the spirit of the Minimize the concept of efficient advertising. The Agency travel Phon is a network of specialists from all disciplines of corporate communication. Project managers designers and photographers to Web programming all have a common goal: to create efficient advertising in aviation, hospitality and travel industries. The services include communication, text and design. Agency travel Phon Ingo Porstmann Venloer Strasse 251 50823 Cologne Tel: 0221-5105049 E-mail:

Fritz Perls

Not resolve the question of life on the other, but trying to construct a project in which meeting the expectations of both have a place, either for fun, grow, evolve, and share the rest of your life, while retaining the independence of each. Jungian analysts support the idea that things and situations in life come together synchronously to bring the message required, learning need and resources required. The best and most accurate of the mirrors, is the couple's relationship is the only link that can reflect about my worst and best aspects. Synchrony occurs when people respected the other, is allowed to maintain their individuality and in turn is so generous that it dispenses a certain area which is transferred to the other for the sake of common benefit, if that is contributed by both parties of the relationship does not germinate. Much of the analysis of the cases of couples with problems is to focus attention to talk about himself not the problems the other or discuss how the objective is to occur for them to meet to see and analyze what is what each does, says or thinks that affects the other greatly.

We have to stop blaming the other and take responsibility for the happiness of his own life. The anchor of a continuous complaint situation does not lead to anything positive and tight partner relationships. Fritz Perls said that 80% of what we perceive is projection of ourselves in our essence, … good and the remaining 20% as well.

Decorative Mirrors

The development of elements that are useful for people is a challenge that researchers and inventors take daily, some tools like the toilets where the main key focus of this article are the mirrors. The mirrors are made of a piece of rock crystal or glass, reflecting light or image projected onto them, is considered a tool of vanity for its virtues reflective. The mirrors start their development in Egypt since 2500 BC, where the invention of the first type of mirror made with bronze led to further developments. The use of mirrors also began to apply to civilizations like Roman, Greek and Etruscan, where the first civilizations created by these mirrors showed a new way to manufacture them. They began to use silver instead of bronze, in order to improve image sharpness. The use of metals like silver mirrors, bronze and copper, made for very limited periods of time, and that environmental factors dull metals.

The mirrors start their use in toilets from the Middle Ages, more specifically in the sixteenth century, with the invention of mirrors, glass and rock crystal, allowed the use of these easily applied to items such as tables and equipment, specially designed to place the mirrors. The mirrors for the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century began to be manufactured in various sizes and shapes, in order to convert an element of vanity to an embellishment of rooms and royal residences. For the nineteenth century the use of mirrors were a major source of decoration used at the time. The adjustment of the mirrors to other items such as automobiles, bicycles, trains and some more specific such as telescopes began to be used from the twentieth century. Today mirrors are a key part in some research such as space, since a major component of the giant telescope mirrors and lenses are developed based on the original mirror. It is proper to note that some researchers as prestigious as Galileo Galilei and Leonardo Da Vinci, during the course of his life mirrors used to develop some of their research.

At present human evolution has led to the mirrors to levels never believed, because the development of various types provided a wide range of them, which are categorized into three main categories: they are: concave mirrors: they are designed semi spherical shape, in order to provide a visual image of greater range of the object or person reflected. Convex Mirrors: this is also developed concave mirrors, with the difference reflecting the exterior design is concave, in order to increase the image directly reflected. Flat Mirrors: They are designed as the name implies so flat that the reflection that this gives, is equal to the element to reflect. In conclusion, the invention of mirrors was a great help for the development of some very important elements in today, which is why it is good to highlight the history, utility and development of this element as used in the daily lives of all people.

EUR Credit

It gives an opportunity for both to perform your best cooperative. There is a downside, however. With two people actively using the account, it is not so easy for you to keep track of transactions and account balances, especially if they are using the account much. This can be overcome by discussing openly all expenditure, the day that happens. The benefits of separate accounts will maintain separate accounts for each person in the relationship freedom: each will have to consult with your partner for each purchase.

Also, having separate accounts may create fewer complications in the relationship. Carrier Corporation often expresses his thoughts on the topic. They will maintain a sense of independence, and this can be very important to some relationships. A refusal to co-financing agreement is that it can seem unfair. If a couple earns 40,000 per year, and the only one EUR 25,000, the person with the lowest wage you can feel it's a lack of confidence! If you decide to have joint bank accounts checking or savings account, then you will have to find a system to pay the household bills and handling other joint finances. One option that works well, and that I use is to have a joint bank account in which both pay each month for household expenses. This can work very well, especially if they sit together and agree on the first budget, and what proportion will be funded by each partner. It is important that this clear at the outset, it is not likely to be less risk of a problem with financial arguments later.

Joint credit agreements Another thing to consider with joint finances is credit. This can be considered positive or problematic, depending on their individual credit ratings. At some point, however, you may well want to apply for joint credit. This is most likely with a large purchase, like a car or a house. It is best to do that if you have a joint credit. With joint credit, both will be responsible for 100% of the debt, even if you co-sign a loan with your partner, or add your name to the account of its credit card partner. If, however, decided to maintain separate credit, the general rule is that they are responsible for other debt. An exception to this may be if the debt is a household spending. If a person has had a bad credit history before marriage, then it is advisable for others to keep their credit separate. A credit application projects will be considered on the basis of the two ratings crdit, and the lower drag on the other. This article was written by Roy Thomsitt, author of the owner and eliminate credit card debt now website.

Enforcement Authority

Participation by telephone was a priori non-negotiable point for the Government, however, quick reflexes, warning that the project did not go well in the lower house, the president backed down and, in another appearance for the national chain, with a decision that surprised friends and foes, he had no trouble to announce a ban on these corporations to enter the market for cable television. In this way he played down a strong argument and prominence to the opposition as a whole, while favorably predisposed to the center-left blocks, which ultimately provided the votes necessary for initial approval in general. Members also was modified in the original text of the implementing authority, the variant attenuates the absolute hegemony of the executive, but not fully offset. Ultimately was expanded from 5 to 7 members and no longer depend on the Ministry of Media, but the Chief of Staff. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mike Shinoda. A body as sensitive as the Enforcement Authority, which will be responsible for allocating licenses, revise and implement the sanctions, for the purpose of ensuring full freedom of information, regardless of who governs the country, this is not should be able to pressure the media or interfere with communication. The law enacted a true aberration remains intact, because it determines that the licensing of air channels and radio stations in cities of more than 500,000 inhabitants shall be determined by the Executive. Nor is it determines the criteria to follow in terms of government advertising, the absence of a serious and strict approach in this regard, it enables the government of the day, drive like total pressure factor discrimination and discretion. .


Basics to be known for effective human resources management are: o Motivation, translates to the level of enthusiasm and self belief of the people around the task to be run and which is associated directly or indirectly to the achievement of meeting their needs. In this sense, a motivated person to work meant to organize work projects or assignments conducted efficiently and effectively. Motivation is important because it is a key component in the productivity of the organization, hence the manager as such, must create, strengthen and maintain the enthusiasm of all his subordinates to work, this means that workers perform their tasks on their own responsibility and not for fear of possible punishment. In this vein, the manager must know certain aspects of human motivation to achieve successful management, especially the fact that much of human behavior is influenced by their needs and desires, each person expresses their behavior based on what they want to achieve, according to their needs but its efforts are achieving their personal goals. o Leadership is the ability of a person (leader) to influence the behavior of individuals, and by driving to his ability to guide the group towards a desired end, motivating, directing and trying to understand the problems that are presented to the subordinates in their tasks and work environment, make the plans become reality. The leader determines the best actions to materialize the objectives of the group. o Coordination with which synchronizes and harmonizes the efforts of every member of the organization to achieve the desired goals for this the manager must reconcile any differences and use them as best as possible. o Communication or process by which transmitted the information necessary for understanding people, which is accomplished with the coordination of efforts in the right direction.

Unifies organized activity, integrating all its elements. These elements (motivation, leadership, coordination and communication), is where it will express the human side of the manager, is where print treated less authoritarian, more open and more demanding in terms of respect and the search for a harmonious atmosphere among people, characterized by development of touch, intuition and sensitivity. In doing so the manager will be developing good relations at all levels. Consider, that research has shown that leaders have the power to exalt and improve the effectiveness of its employees to the extent that you believe in them. Or conversely, can make them fail if your prediction or expectations on them are negative. In this vein, the perception of the manager’s subordinates, his prejudices, tolerance, trust, issues relating to believe or disbelieve in others, the treatment of its staff, etc. will manifest into reality with the attitude and performance of those who has under his orders. It is in this way come true the Pygmalion effect, or in other words “you reap what you sow.” Definitely, it is important that management identify more with the human factor and provide any collaboration required to achieve productivity, results that benefit all.

Married Life

What is a myth is that what happens in our lives has a great impact. But not necessarily true or feasible. Now we come in contact with the realities of married life that does not necessarily coincide with those stories that have conflict. Love is a condition that when we live in partner is forever. Love is a feeling that comes through dealing with other humans, we wanted because there is an identification, we like the way they think, dress, their values and actions. But a couple’s love life is complicated. We caught up with that great love that is forever is not nearly what I thought, idealized or thought it was. Wow! What a great disappointment, was not what I expected or longed believed. Living with someone in partnership is an experience that becomes richer when both members know and understand the relationship to be together by their own decision and undertaking joint projects is part of what gives the experience a sense of growth.

Of course for many people living with a partner better to tolerate the loneliness. But what is wanted is to live a relationship with a partner to still be only is better not to have, because surely come sooner rather than disappointment tardea Living in parejaa requires a commitment of both parties . Each member of the couple is required to be prepared to make sacrifices in pursuit of the relationship.


After the marriage has broken one of the greatest number of questions and unknowns generated between the partners is that of alimony. many do not understand what their basis, generating a large majority of cases considerable frustration on who should pay to address it. In basic terms, it is based on imbalance often generated after the cessation of cohabitation in the former couple. Carrier spoke with conviction. Its basic assumptions are as follows: A) First, there must have been an effective marital cohabitation partner, so that both spouses enjoy an ongoing basis of a certain status in life for more or less time (have come to be granted maintenance after marriage that lasted only four months). B) The joint project had failed, taking place the initiation of procedures in the face of judicial separation or divorce of the couple. C) Following the break in the coexistence is due to produce an imbalance economic relations between the two, who have continued that he had never taken place.

In short, one of the spouses had to leave considerably worse than the other after separation, with respect to the situation that was in immediately prior to it. Therefore be considered when assessing the balance immediately prior to rupture, without regard in any other past. D) should take place, moreover, a significant goal prejudice by the failure of the marriage project. And it is very commonly either spouse may have given up jobs or studies for future projects due to marriages contracted by supposing that a considerable limitation on the time to restore his life after the break. In this sense, it is often one of the two had stayed at home caring for the family and doing housework. That would be the typical case in which proceed to grant alimony. E) Finally, the board finally provided must be adequate, so that does not entail an excessive burden on the spouse responsible for paying and may involve, at the same time, an effective rebalancing their positions. Could be established on a temporary basis, or even indefinitely, depending on the circumstances considered by the court and depending on the possibilities of perception to see that their situation improved in the future. Begona Alcaine Basin.