The international Encounter of photography in Gaspsie (Canada) remember the closing of a factory and the ruin of a city of the zone. The urban artist Gives Bergueron exhibits in the left facilities posters to great size of old workers of the cellulose. ” History is well-known in the place, but these ruins are the unique monument to the pride, the suffering and frustracin” , it says. The city of Chandler even must the name to him to the founder of the paper factory that governed good part of its economy: Percy Milton Chandler arrived from Philadelphia in 1912 and created a population center around Papiers Gaspesia. The industry maintained the harbor activity and employed to the inhabitants of Chandler (with a present census of only 7,914 inhabitants), a city pertaining to the region of Gaspsie in the French-speaker province of Quebec (Canada). It was a poisoned gift from the beginning, a time bomb that exploded with the closing in 1999. The event it followed a lifted rate to him of unemployment, many had that to emigrate, the families separated, were divorces the ground and the contaminated water they were a social and environmental challenge.
Recently Chandler has decided to demolish what it is of the giant stationer, like surpassing the episode of definitive way. Men majors of frank glance These days the second edition of the international Encounter of photography of Gaspsie is celebrated, a young festival that reunites to the work of artists and Canadian photographers. They give Bergueron (Toronto, 1975) is one of them. The symbolism of the demolition of the historical factory did not happen unnoticed for Bergueron. It finishes finalizing a street intervention to remember the workers of Papiers Gaspesia, men majors of frank glance that went day after day to the ships. Some of the workers cried when visiting their own image increased on the rest of the factory. The installation, including in the projects and activities supported by the festival, is simple and powerful. The pictures, in black and white, shine in troquelados posters that decorate the facilities of the factory in ruins. ” History is well-known in the place, but the ruins are the unique monument to the pride, the suffering and the frustration of which they underwent the closing. The images of these workers leave to these structures fsicas” noticeable; , Bergueron says.