When it is spoken of fitomasa, one lies down to think that this one is made up of trees still on of a forest, nevertheless, as we see next in a wooded area are possible to be identified 5 main reservorios of carbon: Aerial FA-Fitomasa: trunks, branches, small branches, leaves, underbrush? FS- Underground Fitomasa: Roots? H-Hojarasca or Mantillo? NM-Necromasa (Died organic Matter): Trees dead still on or fallen? Organic Under-Be accustomed to see explanatory image directly in blog When analyzing in more detail fitomasa is possible to establish more subdivisions to the mentioned ones previously, nevertheless, for the reach of the present article, the previous concepts are sufficient. How to calculate CO2 fixed by the vegetation the calculation of CO2 fixed by different the formation vegetal it is a complex process, since it is necessary to consider the climatic conditions of the zone (rain, relative humidity, evaporation, evapotranspiration, etc), the age of the forest at issue, the type of ground and its edficas characteristics, the altitude above sea level, etc. Nevertheless, to have a general concept of how it is determined, we will realise simple calculation that will allow to a first approach to the subject without many traumatisms nor sophisticated concepts us difficult to digest. Despite the previous thing, this calculation partly sacrifices the precision of the result obtained. But as I mentioned anteriomente, for the object of the present article it is sufficient. The formula to determine the amount of accumulated CO2 is: Source: ipcc Where; tCo2/rbol: amount of accumulated CO2? VCC Volume Timber with Crust: it is the volume with crust of the trunk of the tree without considering branches nor roots.
D-Densidad: Ton of Dry Matter tMS/m3 of the tree just cut? FEB-Factor of expansion of fiomasa: Aerial volume of fitomasa/? Factor R: underground relation between fitomasa aerial and fitomasa? Factor C: Factor of conversion of TMS to ton of Carbon (tC), valued in 0,5 tC/tMS? 44/12: Molecular proportion to happen of carbon (c) to carbon dioxide (CO2) For clculose will take like example white Roble (Quercus humboldtii) for being a species timber of Colombia. The values for the equation are: VCC=0,2 m3, D=0,57, FEB=1,52, R=0,22 Applying the equation has a white oak accumulates 387.56 CO2/tree. With this one value, we could consider that a forest of 5000 trees would accumulate 1.937.848 kg equivalent CO2 a 1,93 tCO2. In another entrance we will analyze other methodologies and we will compare different species to determine its capacity to fix carbon. This informain is the beginning to undertake projects under the approach of Mechanism of Clean Development MDL or CDM by its abbreviations in English. Against this subject, it can extend the information in the entrance bequeathed of the protocol of Kioto.