Group Environment

The environment uses the concept of groups, where the registered pupils will have its disposal the offered courses, that can be offered for only one pupil, or specific group. The environment still makes possible, the student to visualize its progression in the course consulting its register of classifications. Conclusion Currently the use of the ED comes constantly increasing in all the education institutions. The fact is that, independent of a course, either it graduation, after graduation or technician, the Institution must have a planning and a team of qualified professionals in the area. The fact of the Program e-Tec to offer to courses technician strengthens this idea, therefore the program aims in such a way to form professionals enabled to the work market how much the traditional actual courses. It does not remain doubt that Ensino in the distance goes to more become enlarged each time in the next years, and this expansion causes a consequence increase in the quality and the methods of education. It fits to the Institutions to invest heavy in this area, using new technologies and resources in its department of ED, therefore the market demands a professional exactly each more qualified time, for that already they are employees, what it generates a great search for courses in the distance that they do not demand a schedule of preset study, what many times empecilho caused one the people who did not make use of a hourly fixture to study.

Through the Program e-Tec, diverse Federal Justinian codes had obtained investments of the Government to organize its in the distance already traditional actual courses in the modality. The very great search rees-echo in the increase of cities interested in installing a polar region of actual support in one of its municipal schools, generating an interest of the inhabitants to improve each time more, aiming at a formation of quality and a better rank in the work market. Bibliography BRITO, Mrio Sergio Da Silva, Technologies for the EAD By Internet, s.d. Available in:, consulted in: 16 of February of 2011. KEYS, Eduardo.

the C. Technology in the Education, Education in the distance, and Learning Mediated for the Technology: Basic conceptualization, 1999. Available in:*, consulted in: 16 of February of 2011. MEC, Ministry of the Education. E-Tec Brazil? School Open Technique of Brazil, 2007a. Available in:, consulted in 02 of July of 2009. MEC, Ministry of the Education. Establishment of actual support, 2007b. Available in:, consulted in 02 of July of 2009. PINE, J.M.S. The computer in the school, 2007. Available in:, consulted in 12 of August of 2009.