For in such a way, as analysis methodology, it is used of the exposition of photos of a workshop carried through in the project, as well as the stories of the different participants in as the same alunosgraduandos, academic professors and professors of the state net. It is standed out that throughout the existence of the project, workshops for different professors in different cities doEstado of the Espirito Santo Brazil had been oferecidasoutras, however the analysis to be here will expostapartir of when the monitor it entered the same one. These workshops have to comocarter the search for the continued and initial formation of professors eprofessorandos, enabling them with new methodologies of education. Porfim in what it refers to the contributions to geographic science we can detaches relevance that the project has in the context of the formation of licenciandoda geographic academy of the UFES. Also we want to stand out the importnciada education in the formation of the geographic identity, therefore the separation dacincia between bacharelado and licenciatura, as it happens in vrioscursos of graduation in Geography, for Brazil it measures, it can generate umaviso of rupture and spalling in the collective construction of the pensamentopor part of the learning in involved them. The present text aims at to present the experience story, relativa pupil experience permitting, monitor scholarship holder of interdepartamental extension noprojeto ' ' Geography-foot it road ' ' , coordenadopela teacher Ms. Marisa Pink Terezinha Valladares, of the Departamentode Education, Politics and Society, of the Center of Education and pelaprofessora Dra.
Giseli Girardi, of the Department of Geography, of the Centrode Sciences Natural Human beings and, both of the Federal University doEsprito Saint. Therefore, the same it has for objective to socialize reflexesacerca of the passveis learnings to be propitiated nodesenvolvimento of projects of this nature. For in such a way, it is intended, aolongo of this text, beyond displaying the characteristics of the project, describing its main activities, searching to establish the devidasconexes between the academy, the project, the monitor/pupil and the white public, with emphasis in from there decurrent learnings.