Business & Networking has been running since May 2009 with a steady increase of associates and generated business. Since the networking at these times in which we live, is an essential tool for your company, business & Networking we want to increase the tools so that you can generate business more quickly in your company. In this new year 2011 offer you the following tools to make a good networking:-advertising on our web site, positioned with the term networking on the first page of Google, what makes Google analitycs reported that each partner can have an average of between 50 and 100 visits per month from the business & Networking website to your web. -Advertising through our newsletter, sent to over 5000 business & Networking related companies. -Free entrance in the N & N, a social network social network where all users spend a filter by N & N directors and which can only enter, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs or people with projects. -Assistance by business & Networking with the call for submissions of products, or perform a networking within the premises of the company requesting it. -All business & Networking principals know every one of the businessmen that compose this way finding in different meetings, events, or contacts, potential customers for companies.
-Collaboration agreements with different associations of entrepreneurs to make networking sets among some partners and others. -Our advertising is the advertising of our partners, that is why we try to have the widest possible dissemination among the media and until today we have appeared in different stations of television, newspapers, digital journals and in different web pages. -Training in different fields, through our partners for free in most of the cases already that the teaching These presentations or workshops they make your company more visible. -Training in networking and social networking for entrepreneurs. -Increase constant partners, which makes all generate greater number of contacts and business. -Opening of new groups in the community of Madrid that find the group nearest to your place of work. -Quality equipment since your opinion is what more it has and so will make a networking for the needs of all partners. -Business & Networking is responsible for promoting your company from its database to find your potential client. If you want to see how it works business & Networking can request your invitation via our website or by sending an email to. Original author and source of the article