the obligatory affiliate has the same term that a regular affiliate to exert its right of option. Of not choosing in that term, the arranged thing in the Ordered Unique Text of the Law of the Deprived System of Administration of Bottoms of Pensions is applied, approved by means of Supreme Decree N 054-97-EF. On the individual, the Deprived System of Administration of Bottoms of Pensiones (SPP) must like object contribute to the development and fortification of the system of social forecast in the area of pensions and this conformed by the Deprived Administrators of Bottoms of Pensiones (AFP), those that administer certain Bottoms of Pensions and grant obligatorily to their affiliates, the benefits of retirement, dissability, survival and expenses of burial. It is precise to indicate that this device establishes that notwithstanding its labor condition, the working partners of the cooperatives, including those of the cooperatives of workers, are considered like dependent workers for effects of the Deprived System of Administration of Bottoms of Pensions, the National System of Pensions to that it talks about the Decree Law 19990 N and the Regime of Benefits of Health to that the Decree talks about Law N 22482. Who are not enrolled in some system of pensions can choose between take refuging in the National System of pensions or the Deprived System of Pensions. Those that already is affiliates to a system of pensions remain in the same system, unless they follow the process of corresponding desafiliacin, regulated by the Law N 28991 and its prescribed norms, after which can decide on another regime. This one norm establishes that the desafiliacin procedure will not have to contemplate any restriction to the freedom of the worker to desafiliar itself. The procedure will have to consider all the information so that the affiliate makes its decision freely. The excellent information considers, at least, the amount of pension considered in the SNP and the SPP, the amount owed by the differential of contributions and the certainties of to have fulfilled the requirements of years of contribution to have a pension in the respective pensionario regime, certificates